Bringing characters to life

Lion guard

What are your children’s favourite shows on TV? Do they just enjoy watching the shows or do they recreate them when the show is over within their play? Our children love to do this and can frequently be found re-creating scenes from Andy’s Dinosaur Adventure, Dr Who, Peppa Pig, Paw Patrol and many more. One […]

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How reading helps children learn

reading with children

If you are a regular reader of the blog you will know that I write a lot about the importance of reading to and with your children. I recently shared the books that all the children are currently reading and talked again about the benefits of reading. At school this week the importance of reading […]

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Great adventures

great adventures

Are you ready to make 2017 your year for great adventures? What would your ideal adventure be? A far flung destination you haven’t travelled to perhaps? Perhaps it would be a big road trip somewhere? I do love a good road trip! With children, sometimes you don’t have to go very far to have a […]

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Personalise your home with ease

Sometimes, especially when you’ve just moved into a place, your home can just feel like a building, a shell of sorts, where people live. Usually the right kinds of furniture and decoration can be enough to make it feel your own, but sometimes you’ll feel like you need more, particularly if you have moved into […]

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