Ending loneliness

Have you ever felt lonely? Are you worried that someone you know might be lonely? Loneliness can affect many people, of different ages and at different stages of life but it can affect older people in particular, especially if they do not have a partner into older age or family around them. Recent research from […]

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Mini chefs: part one

Welcome to the first in our series of articles around ‘Mini Chefs’. All the children love to cook and bake and we spend a lot of time in the kitchen. We use cooking as a form of sensory play as well as making things to eat. Spending time as  mini chefs gives the children a […]

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Travelling with children: part four

If you’ve been reading the blog lately, you might have read our articles about travelling with children. If you missed them, you can read part one here; part two here; and part three here. Feeding children when you are away from home can be a bit of a challenge but with some careful planning and […]

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Cooking confessions

I love cooking. I don’t get much time to cook for pleasure, so it is often more of a functional thing, but one day I will have time to do that. I loved cooking and baking as a child, and any opportunity to be the kitchen, I was there. I baked a lot with my […]

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Mums on the run

When you are a mum on the run, eating can be a tricky thing. Many mums either struggle to eat good stuff or forget altogether. I have certainly been guilty of fitting into the forget altogether category in the past – not that it has helped with any weight loss mind you! Trying to stay organised […]

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Quick and healthy breakfast tips

When you have a busy morning and lots of other people to organise, get dressed and get out of the door, it can be hard to remember to have breakfast yourself, let alone find the time to eat it. Before you know it, it’s closer to lunchtime than breakfast and there are a whole set […]

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