Creating a force field

The love that siblings have for each other is incredibly powerful and so special to watch.


  • They may argue over a toy or wrestle each other to the ground
  • They may compete with each other or even compete for my attention
  • They may be momentarily cross with each other or they may bicker for hours


  • Their love for each other is undeniable
  • They were each others first loves
  • They get to be idols and superheros everyday just for being themselves

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  • They have a ready made army and security detail ready to defend them in a tricky situation
  • They laugh, sing and dance together in perfect sync
  • They understand each other better than anyone else
  • They embrace their differences.
  • They celebrate each other’s successes
  • They are partners in crime
  • Their bond is so tight it’s like they have created their own force field

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Together they are strong. They are a team. A team I feel incredibly proud of.

Siblings: the friends that stick around to continue the party when all the guests have gone home

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Let's Talk Mommy


  1. Oh this is so true and I love it. Siblings are also the ones there after the party helping you clear up!
    I’m lucky my children have each other and they’re so tight in friendship and love its a wonderful thing to watch. No doubt they’ll go thru their sticky phases with each other but the love and bond they develop early I believe will always stick with them!

  2. I loved reading this! My children are 4 and 2, and the relationship they have now is so lovely to watch, I don’t think anyone will mess with either of them if the other is around! x #Sharethejoylinky

  3. Gorgeous post! I had a wonderful relationship with my sister growing up and I really hope we can give our little boy a brother or sister to experience the same joy. #ShareWithMe

    1. I don’t think that matters does it – we have 21 months between the first two, then a 5 year gap and then there is 15 months between the youngest two – so the eldest is 8 years older than the youngest, it makes no difference. Enjoy your own little force field! x

  4. OH hunny so true and so beautifully written. Love this post. I feel the same way about my own siblings too as I am one of eight so I love each one individually and together and we are a close close family. It’s such a special bond to cherish forever. Thanks for linking up to Share With Me. #sharewithme

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