Buying a property in another country?

moving to another country

Britain seems to be getting less and less popular with the British every day. National treasure Emma Thompson, Academy Award-winning writer and actress, recently shared her thoughts: “[Britain is] a tiny little cloud-bolted, rainy corner of sort-of Europe. A cake-filled misery-laden grey old island.” Harsh words, but let’s face it: Britain isn’t perfect. Its quality […]

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Protecting precious enamel

We all know how important it is to protect our children’s teeth. Putting this into practice isn’t always easy. Each of the children has gone through a period when brushing their teeth has become a bit of a battle but fortunately this hasn’t lasted too long. We know that regular trips to the dentist are […]

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Which life insurance?

What’s the difference between level and decreasing term life insurance? None of us want to think about a time when we’re no longer around, but when it comes to managing your finances and protecting your family, a little forward planning is unavoidable. With this in mind, it’s well worth considering taking out life insurance policies. […]

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Bad credit car leasing

Bad credit after leaving work? Perhaps car leasing is the answer? In the present day, its sometimes very difficult to maintain all of the monthly payments when one person leaves work. Single income households are quite difficult to manage when you’re not used to it! In many cases, this can result in a poor credit […]

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