Christmas day is incomplete without a grand feast. Its that time of the year when you want to impress your friends and family by cooking an amazing Christmas feast which includes everything from spiced roast goose or beef wellington to incredible nut roasts and whole baked salmon. What are you cooking this year? Research has […]
High protein diets
Before I get too far into this, I want to clarify what I mean by the term ‘diet’. I’m NOT talking about diet in the sense of restricted eating for a period of time to loose weight, I’m talking about diet in the sense of the food that is routinely consumed, just as someone might […]
Are your drinks damaging your teeth?
What do you like to drink? I’m talking about all drinks, not just those of the alcoholic variety, although they are also relevant. Are you a tea person? Maybe you can’t function without coffee? Perhaps you wake up with a fresh orange juice? What about evenings and weekends? Red wine? White wine? Beer or something […]
An alternative to rice
During the week, we grown ups try to eat a high protein and low fat diet with very few bulky carbohydrates. This means that I’m always looking for substitutes for rice, pasta and potatoes, as well sources of protein. We are big fans of naked noodles which we use a lot with chicken and fish. We […]
The benefits of detoxing
I have been interested in the benefits of detoxing for a long time now. Whilst I have gone through periods of cutting things out and I have tried things like detox teas I have never got around to doing it with more gusto. Part of this is because each time I’ve thought about it in […]
Have a healthy start to the New Year
The New Year often signals a change for people. Many people use the start of the New Year to make a change or start something new. Often this relates to exercise or diet. Whilst we often feel really motivated at the start of the year, it can be hard to maintain this as the weeks […]
The postpartum diaries: weak nails
Welcome to part two of our postpartum diaries series. Part one focused on hair loss. Over the course of this series we will be looking at a range of issues that can affect women in the postpartum period. This period is normally talked about as beginning the moment after the birth of your child and […]
Trick or treat?
Are you all ready for Halloween? What sorts of things do you give out to trick or treaters who call around? As much as I don’t mind children having a few treats, I am conscious about what goes into their systems, so I love finding out about alternatives that make me feel better about what […]