Maintaining good eye health

eye health

The eyes are the window to the soul (you only have to look at these eyes to understand that) and yet we often take them for granted. When we think about establishing a healthy regime and look at diet and exercise, we often forget to look after our eyes. I always tell the children that […]

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LEGO fans listen up


Are your children fans of LEGO? All my children gravitate towards the stuff but my eldest son who is seven absolutely loves everything LEGO related. He seemed to go almost overnight from needing help building everything to building a range of wonderful things out of LEGO with ease. I am always so impressed how easily […]

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Travel the world from your kitchen

travel the world from your kitchen

I love to travel and I love to cook. Sadly travelling is not something many of us can do all that often, but what if you could travel the world from your kitchen? What if you could experiment with a range of different flavours, textures, colours and cooking styles that represented different countries from your […]

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Buying a property in another country?

moving to another country

Britain seems to be getting less and less popular with the British every day. National treasure Emma Thompson, Academy Award-winning writer and actress, recently shared her thoughts: “[Britain is] a tiny little cloud-bolted, rainy corner of sort-of Europe. A cake-filled misery-laden grey old island.” Harsh words, but let’s face it: Britain isn’t perfect. Its quality […]

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Eggs baked in buffalo tomato

things to do with baked eggs

I’ve been reading about the benefits of eating lots of eggs recently and have been consequently trying lots of different things with eggs. Eggs have been described as a superfood because they contain a little bit of everything our bodies need. On top of that, they are cheap, easy to prepare and incredibly versatile. Baked […]

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