Hair removal challenges

hair removal

Hair removal sucks. When you have dark hair and features it sucks even more. Like millions of women I’ve tried all sorts of hair removal options over the years but come back to the good old razor over and over again, with some epilation in between. It’s quick and easy and cheap but sadly, for […]

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Get ready for summer

summer beauty

Being a busy Mummy often means we don’t have time to do the things we used to take for granted before we became pregnant, but with the summer coming, now is the perfect time to freshen up and get that beautiful beach body back…cough cough (not sure I ever had one, but I’m sure lots […]

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A cut above

hair removal

I’ve said before that one of the things I wish I didn’t have to do was shave my legs. It’s a total pain, doesn’t last very long and is time consuming, yet nothing else works as well for me. I’m not a leg waxing or cream person. I do have an eplilator but I need […]

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The benefits of body scrubbing

A good body scrub is something I love. Now of course in a perfect world you might be lying on a massage table somewhere tropical with a professional performing this for you – the reality might be a little different, but a good body scrub at home can still do wonders. Brightens up dull skin […]

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A close shave

Can you remember when you first became aware of shaving as a form of hair removal? I remember from quite a young age watching my dad shave for work. He has very thick black hair so is one of these people that has a 4 o’clock ‘shadow’ even when he has shaved that morning. Because […]

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