In search of Peter Rabbit

peter rabbit

The little boys were having a look at the big kids’ First News paper the other day and spotted Peter Rabbit. The paper was advertising a giant Peter Rabbit sculpture that wasn’t far so we headed out to take a look for ourselves. It just so happened that the sculpture was located at Snugburys ice […]

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Learning about weather


We’ve been learning about and discussing weather this week. We’ve chatted about it in the car on the school run and then I’ve carried that on with the little boys by talking about the shapes and colours in the sky. We talked about all the different kinds of weather we have and what their favourite […]

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Practical jackets for little tots

Sadly the days of leaving the house without a coat of some description are well in the past with Autumn firmly upon us. I don’t know about you, I want the children to be snug, but trying to wrestle little ones into their car seats with the added bulk of a winter coat can be […]

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