Don’t wake the baby

After four children I have become familiar lets say with what noises wake a baby and those that they seem to sleep through quite happily. Noises they can sleep through include: The vacuum cleaner – even when it is right next to them The tumble dryer My very powerful and noisy hairdryer MTV on loud […]

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Four ways to update your child’s bedroom

As your children grow and mature they will naturally outgrow their bedroom. Your child’s bedroom is a space to call their own so it’s essential that the space reflects both their personality and their age. However, this can be tough on a parent: emotionally, and more importantly, financially. Consequently, it’s helpful to stick to designs […]

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Bed hopping

Being a parent brings a whole new meaning to the phrase ‘bed hopping’. At university this had other connotations. Every morning you could spot the bed hoppers as they did their ‘walk of shame’ back to their own rooms. However, times change and as a parent if you spend the entire night in your own […]

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