While you were sleeping

While you were sleeping little one I took the opportunity to catch up on some of the things I had not had a chance to do whilst I was playing with you and your siblings, feeding you all or dashing around from one big kid activity to the next. While you were sleeping little one: […]

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My advice to new parents

As a mum of four you might be thinking that this article is about me imparting my wisdom on you and giving parenting advice where it is neither wanted nor needed. Far from it. In my view parenting is a journey. There is no right or wrong way to do it just different approaches and […]

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Feeding fuel

Breastfeeding can be hard work. I’ve heard lots of people say that they were always hungry when they were breastfeeding. After breastfeeding four babies I actually don’t think I have had that “I’m starving” feeling more than a handful of times and I certainly haven’t felt like I needed to eat more. Having said that, […]

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Caring for children’s hair

Hair care can be stressful for both parents and children, but it doesn’t have to be. These are our top tips for stress-free haircare: Get your children used to getting their face and head wet from an early age and make this a part of their daily routine Use a shampoo that is kind to […]

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My toddler is a back seat driver

I have been quietly amused by how vocal our toddler is when I’m driving for sometime now. The last couple of weeks however have seen him take it up a gear…or three. His favourite thing to do is to shout very loudly at me at a roundabout “Go Go Mummy”and this continues until I pull […]

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