Developing through play

the park

I often think that parents underestimate the opportunities that can come from something as simple as going to the park. I love watching how the children develop and change over time with regards to what they are capable of. It’s amazing to see how one week they will need to hold your hand on something […]

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Developing swimming skills

learning to swim

I’ve written quite a lot on the blog about swimming and the importance of getting children used to the water as babies. From baby-wearing in water to baby swimming classes to older children swimming competitively, it’s something we are really keen on encouraging. Learning to swim is so important from a safety point of view […]

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Learning about weather


We’ve been learning about and discussing weather this week. We’ve chatted about it in the car on the school run and then I’ve carried that on with the little boys by talking about the shapes and colours in the sky. We talked about all the different kinds of weather we have and what their favourite […]

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How motherhood changes you


The transition from womanhood to motherhood was more profound than any other transition I’ve been though. Having a child evokes changes that are both gradual and sudden. As a new mother you become stronger and more responsible. The challenge of every day life makes you a better problem solver, you suddenly have even more love […]

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Questions without a reasonable answer


As a parent do you ever say things to your children and think what you’ve said sounds a bit rubbish in terms of an explanation? Perhaps if they ask a question or ask why something is how it is and you say “just because”. I hate those moments really, the ones where you know that […]

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