Unusual Ways To Make Money In And Around Your Home

If you need to make some money right now, all you need is a bit of time, an internet connection, and a bit of space. After all, plenty of people make money without even needing to get out of bed – there’s no reason you shouldn’t be able to do the same! 

That’s why there are so many ways to make money in and around your home, and even a few unusual, less thought of ways to bring in extra cash. 

Need a bit of cash in your pocket over the coming months? You’re in luck; we’re going to cover a few of those today. Sometimes you need an idea that’s a little left field! And the more you use ideas like these in tandem, the better your chance to make a good return on your efforts. Check it all out below. 

Sign Up for Product Testing

Product testing is a little known way to make some money. It’s a bit unusual in that you’ll get regular deliveries of random products straight to your home, but it’s a good way to make some cash if you’ve got spare time during the day. 

There are various sites out there that’ll pay you for your thoughts on the way a new product works, its design, and how easy it is to use. Find out the most reputable sites ahead of time before you hand over your details. 

Similarly, make sure you read the terms and conditions of the site you sign up to. Some like to pay for the review you leave, whilst others only allow you to keep the product if you want it. Of course, if you get sent something useful, that will save you from having to spend on it in the future! 


Ever tried modelling before? If you haven’t, it’s actually a lot easier to get into than you might think. 

To start with, you can sign up for life drawing classes as the model – especially if you’re unsure about artistic talent of your own. This might not pay well in the long term, as art classes can be hard to come by, but modelling in this manner brings in good short term cash. Try it out for a couple of weeks. And don’t worry, situations like these tend to be far less embarrassing than you expect them to be! 

You can also model in your own photos and then sell them. Stock photo sites need their income from somewhere, and hiring people like you to provide images is the best way to get as many different photos as possible. See the keywords people are searching for above any others and set up your background to take some relevant shots. 

Look After Pets

How many pets live in your neighbourhood? And how many of those pets get left alone for long periods of time? A dog in the living room across the road, sadly looking out of the window. A cat passing across the street, hungry because their owner is a little late returning from work. If you see things like this on a daily basis, it’s time to get some business cards made! 

If you love animals, and you’ve reliably raised a couple of your own, you could pet sit and make good money through it. This can even allow you to double up on your income if you work from home as well. Allow your neighbours to bring their pets round for the day and then pick them up later on. If this doesn’t work, you could simply advertise dog and/or cat walking services! 

Sell Your Number Plate

Have you got a valuable number plate? There’s a very good chance you do! Check out a website such as Value My Number PLate and tap in your details – you’ll then be able to see how much the plate is worth and if you could make any good money selling it. It’s an unusual way to make money, as it seems to be a lot of hassle, but this could be a good option if you’ve got a rare string allocation.

Of course, if you’re still using the car that this number plate is attached to, you should head to a registered plate supplier and get new ones made. Make sure you take along proof of your identity and that the car in question is in your name. You don’t want to walk in and have to head out again because you’ve forgotten essential documents! 

Take Part in a Study

You’ve probably heard of survey sites where you get paid to answer questions. Those are quite popular these days, and the best paying ones tend to have a waitlist. If you don’t fancy your chances of moving up the list and getting accepted, you might want to turn your hand to physical studies instead. 

Going to a flu camp, for example, is a good way to bring in a big amount of money in the course of only one or two weeks. If you’ve always been good at fighting off infections before, you shouldn’t be in too much trouble here. However, you will be strongly screened before you’re accepted, to ensure the risk of a minor case of flu won’t be too much for you. 

Start Writing

You might have thought about running a blog before. In doing so, you can make use of affiliate marketing and sponsorships, as well as turn your hand to freelance writing when you want to make proper money. 

This is a good way to supplement your income from home! Blogs can start out as passion projects and soon become something a lot more serious, and the more you feel for your blogging ideas, the better your readers are going to respond to it. 

This isn’t the only kind of writing you can do to earn some money. You can also try writing competitions and flex your creative muscles. From poems to personal essays to full on flash fiction, you can submit anything and have it be marked to see if it’s good enough for a prize. 

Cut Your Hair

Selling your hair is a good idea if you have fast growing locks! If you have pretty thick hair and you don’t mind missing a bit of it, this could also be a good idea for you. You can then sell the cut hair to wig makers and make a good profit, especially if you’ve got an unusual type or colour of hair, such as ginger. 

Of course, your hair is going to need to be in good condition if you’re planning to sell it. Make sure you clip off split ends and use a good shampoo and conditioner when you’re in the shower. You should also try to avoid heat damage from tools such as curlers and straighteners. 

Flip Domains

You might not know much about making money through a website, but you can try flipping domains, as long as you know how to spot a good deal. This works by buying a domain at a low price when it’s unclaimed, and then selling it on for a high price according to what it’s worth in say a few months or a year’s time. 

This allows for time for someone else to come up with a business that might find it a suitable brand name, but you could always try to find someone to buy it in only a week, or even just a few days. It’s possible when you’ve had some practice! 

Flipping domains can be quite complicated, and that’s what makes this an unusual way to make some money. After all, you need to have a good eye for marketing – you want to buy domains that people are going to want thanks to the buzzwords present in the URL. 

Do Things Virtually

There’s a virtual world out there that’s becoming pretty real, especially when it comes to making money through it. From real estate in the metaverse to more simple and practical concepts such as virtual babysitting, anyone with an internet connection can make money doing things they’d usually need to be physically present for. 

You can also become a virtual bridesmaid, good for people with small wedding parties or those who need a neutral bridesmaid to help balance sides or decide the vote on what party favours would be best. 

Then there’s the classic option of teaching through a remote connection. If you’ve got a skill or a qualification and people would benefit from your tutoring, you can make good money in the long term doing this as a side hustle. Try it out! 

Making money can be done in and around your home in unusual ways. If you need to save some money, build an emergency fund, or supplement your current income, now’s the time to put ideas like these into action. Take your time working out which ones will be best for you, but give them all a try!


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