It’s out there already isn’t it – the ‘C’ word – CHRISTMAS. The children weren’t even back at school after the summer holidays this year and I was seeing Halloween displays next to Christmas displays in the shops. Bonkers! Christmas is still December right? Just checking!

Choosing and giving gifts
How do you go about choosing gifts for you family members and friends? Do you go overboard or are you more reserved with your gift-giving? Perhaps you take part in Secret Santa at work, or even with family if there are a lot of you. I know a family where there are about 25 people (counting extended family) and they all used to buy each other a gift. A few years ago they decided this was ridiculous and started doing Secret Santa.
I saw a idea on Pinterest recently whereby a parent had wrapped 4 boxes for each child and then piled them up on top of each other. Inside the first box was something the child had asked for, inside the next one was something to wear, the third box was something useful and the last box was a treat to eat.
I thought this was a lovely idea and a way of making gift-giving and receiving exciting, whilst keeping spending sensible. Have you ever seen anything like this before? Would you consider doing this with your family?

Are you an early bird?
Are you someone who starts Christmas shopping in January? Maybe you start in the summer holidays and are all done by the time the kids return to school? Or, perhaps you are someone who gets it all done in a couple of days in late December?
I’m more of a gradual accumulator when it comes to gift buying for Christmas, however, I do find that means I forget what I’ve bought. I need a better system for this.
Personalised gifts for loved ones

Do you ever buy personalised Christmas gifts for your family or friends? Personalised gifts can be useful if you are struggling for ideas or want to give something with a bit more meaning behind it.
I’ve bought a range of personalised gifts over the years. One of my favourites have been the tea towels and mugs that we get from school with a print of the children’s art work on!
Sassy Bloom are one company who have stunning personalised gifts. Have you heard of them? They have been in the personalised gifts business for over 7 years, and have now launched Sassy Bloom Gifts, after starting out with subscription boxes.
All of their gifts have the option to include free personalisation with the option to include gift wrap and gift message for £3.95. They currently stock over 6,000 personalised gifts, so you will be totally spoilt for choice.
In terms of what kinds of things they have, there is everything from personalised fake eyelashes, to champagne flutes, to bracelets, to cake knives, to wash bags, to cushions, to hip flasks, to vases, to watches, to mug and pretty much everything else you can think of.

I don’t honestly think I’ve ever seen quite so many personalised gifts in one place before, so hive five to Sassy Bloom!
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great article you have shared with us