We’ve had stunning weather this week, how about you? It’s been glorious and we’ve taken the learning outside as much as possible, once all the bits and bobs we needed to do online had been done.

Homemade pesto

The big kids collected some wild garlic from the garden this week and made some homemade pesto. It smelt so good! They loved that they were able to make something for dinner with something that had grown in the garden and they did a great job.

Mud pies

The little boys have loved playing in their mud kitchen this week. There have been tons of mud pies being made and lots of mixing, and decorating.

We found a few more old wooden spoons and bits and bobs for them to use and they cooked up a storm.

Birds nests

The children have been collecting things from around the garden and having a go at making their own birds nests. They decided that birds are really cleaver to be able to make the nests with just their beaks and feet and to get everything to bind together to well.

Face painting

There have been lots of requests for face painting from the little boys this week, so my daughter and I have been taking requests! We’ve had sharks, Spiderman, a bat, a snake and the Hulk to name a few!


The boys have been learning how to play netball this week and comparing it to basketball. I was actually really impressed with how well they listened to their big sister and she was also really good at explaining the rules. They all had so much fun and their catching has really improved.

What have you been up to this week?

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