Week three, is actually the full second week here, but I’ve been calling it week three as we started part way through the previous week with the big kids, when their school closed suddenly.

Key things this week I think have been that I have lowered my expectations and increased my flexibility, when it comes to timings etc and who does what when.
Like I said last week, I’ve also been trying to remind myself that this is not home schooling in the sense that home-schoolers know it. This is crisis schooling and that is NOT the same thing. No one has done this before and we’ve had little time to prepare.

Today we did some cutting and sticking, some maths worksheets, went for a long walk, did some running, played hide and seek, learnt to chop fruit and vegetables, learnt how to cook a stir fry, did some music practice and completed some online school work.

We started the day feeding the birds, we get tons of birds around the front of the house so we make sure they are well fed. We went for a walk, made some rainbow cookies, made Elmer the Elephant out of a plastic milk carton, we did some maths worksheets and also the reading books.

Today we made an assault course in the garden, which the children loved, we did the bleep test, went for a walk and I tested them on times tables. We did some maths worksheets and learnt muscle groups. We played Triomonos, made an Easter tree, submitted work to school and finished the day by toasting marshmallows.

Today I taught eldest to iron, we played Triominos and Othello, logged on to school and submitted quite a large amount of work. Did some geography work sheets, did a scavenger hunt in the rain in the garden, and practised guitar and piano. The children danced to Just Dance, went running and did rock painting in the garden.

Today the little boys made life size portraits which we painted outside in the sunshine. They loved this. We had a long walk in the evening and did some work on the time capsule. We played board games, and played trains and cars and sorted out the recycling for bin day.

How was your week?