*Guest Article*: Hire a caravan and start your holiday hassle free

Author Bio: Rajhu S Goraai is a Passionate Stock and Commodity Researcher. Travel addict and Photographer. Owner at Leading Business Blog. Connect him on Linkedin.

When going on holiday you can consider dozens of options. Travel by car, air plane or boat? What about travelling by plane and then renting a car? Or choose a more adventurous trip and go for a camper? So many options to discover… but did you ever consider a caravan?

Photo by Tim Gouw from Pexels

Emergence of caravan hire

In the past, the hire of a caravan was not that common. You simply bought a caravan and used it several weeks a year. Up until a certain point, when caravan owners came to the realisation they could rent out their caravans to others. With Airbnb-like platforms emerging, you can now hire a caravan with a flew clicks on your mouse. The advantage? Through the platform you hire from caravan owners directly, this results in significant lower prices than hiring through rental companies.

Advantages of private caravan hires

When hiring a caravan you do not have the obligations of owning one. This means that you do not need to worry about maintenance and costs associated with ownership, such as taxes and number plate licenses. When you hire a caravan through a platform, the insurance and cleaning can also be included in the price. You can head-off and start your holiday hassle free.

Numerous options to begin with

When you want to travel with a caravan, you have numerous options to start your journey. This is dependent on your preferred destination, means of travel and budget you have.

Hire a caravan in your hometown

You can start from your hometown or country. Search for people that rent their caravan nearby your house and pick it up once arranged. From your home, you can pack the caravan and travel to your desired destination.

Travel by plane and hire once you arrive

Another option is air travel and hiring a caravan once you arrive. Of course, this can be more complicated. If you want to do this, you also need to hire a car. This will have an impact on the cost of your holiday… but there is another option. Besides the rental of caravans, there are also vans that can be hired. The vans are equipped with sleeping spots, offering both a car and a caravan in one. Especially when travelling by plane, this is an economic and pleasant option to take.

Looking for short-term rental?

Hiring a caravan is not only suited for holidays, but can also be very effective for a few days away. Think about a weekend with friends in nature, or visiting your favourite festival with a caravan. Especially in these cases, the rental of a caravan makes perfect sense. You only utilise the caravan for a few days and then bring it back to the owner.


  1. Aaw, you’ve got me dreaming. I always wanted to do Europe by campervan with friends but never managed to fit it in. Thanks for suggesting additional options other than buying one.

  2. Renting a car for traveling is convenient and affordable if you know where to rent it. I often rent them at the airport, from one company, but I want to try other companies that have a larger selection of cars. I use a debit card when renting and not everyone is ready to provide such a rental. But I recently found detailed information about it on the website and now I know more about it https://rental24h.com/blog/debit-card-companies

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