Hire Estate Agents: 5 Things To Remember When Selling Your House

Are you ready to sell your house? Hiring an estate agent can be a great way to make sure that you get the best price for your property. In this blog, we’ll go through five things to remember when you decide to hire an estate agent.

What Do Estate Agents Do?

selling your home

Before you hire an estate agent, it’s important to know what they do. Estate agents are professionals who specialise in the sale of properties. They will typically be responsible for advertising a property and negotiating with potential buyers on your behalf.

They will also manage the paperwork and arrange viewings for potential buyers.

How Much Are Estate Agents?

Estate agents will typically charge a percentage of the final sale price for their services. This can vary from estate agent to estate agent, so it is important to shop around and compare prices before you settle on one. It is also worth noting that the amount of commission you pay will usually depend on how quickly the property is sold.

It’s a good idea to ask for an estimate and speak to other potential buyers about their experiences with the estate agent before signing a contract.

1- Check Their Track Record

building a house

When you hire Stratford Upon Avon Estate Agents, it’s important to check their track record. Find out how long they have been in business and what kind of success rate they have had with similar properties to yours. Ask for references from previous clients and make sure that they have a good understanding of the local area.

2- Choose The Right Estate Agent

It’s important to choose an estate agent that fits your needs and expectations. Make sure to take time to compare different agents before making your decision. Look at their fees and make sure that you understand exactly what services they will provide for you.

3- Set Realistic Expectations

When you’re selling a property, it’s important to have realistic expectations about the sale price. A good estate agent will be able to help you set a realistic price and guide you through the process of obtaining the best possible result.

4- Get Everything in Writing

When you hire an estate agent, make sure to get everything in writing. This includes the fees that you will be charged for their services and any other agreements that you reach. This will help to ensure that both parties understand what needs to be done and there is no confusion about expectations.

learning outdoors

5- Be Prepared for Viewings

When potential buyers come to view your property, it’s important to make sure that the house is well-presented and clean. Take time to prepare for viewings and discuss any questions that potential buyers may have with your estate agent beforehand.

Top Tips For Selling Your House

Selling your house can be a stressful process, but with the right estate agent on your side, it doesn’t have to be. Keep these tips in mind when you’re looking for someone to help you get the best price for your property:

• Check their track record and choose an experienced estate agent

• Make sure that you understand the services they will provide

• Set realistic expectations and get everything in writing

• Be prepared for viewings

• Take time to compare different agents.

• Ask for references from previous clients.

What Are The Stages Of Selling Your House?

moving long distance

When you hire an estate agent, they will typically follow a certain process. Here’s a bit of an overview of the stages involved:

• Initial Appraisal

Your estate agent will visit your property and conduct research to determine a realistic sale price.

• Advertising & Marketing

The estate agent will then market your property with advertisements, open viewings and other methods.

• Viewings & Negotiations

Potential buyers will be shown the property and your estate agent will negotiate on your behalf.

• Offer & Exchange

When a buyer has made an offer, it’s up to you to decide whether to accept or reject it. If accepted, the estate agents will then work with both parties to exchange contracts and complete the sale.

• Completion

On completion day, the buyer will pay the agreed amount and the property will transfer to their ownership.

• Post Completion

Your estate agent will conduct a final inspection of the property and liaise with both parties to ensure that everything is in order.

• Feedback

It’s important to get feedback from both buyers and vendors to help you improve your service in the future.


Selling a house can be an exciting but daunting process. Hiring an estate agent can help you get the best price for your property, but it’s important to do your research and make sure that you are working with the right person. Remember these five points when deciding to hire an estate agent, and you’ll be off on the right path!

Good luck!


  1. Absolutely spot on! Hiring a competent estate agent can make a world of difference when selling a property. They don’t just help with setting the right price; they often provide valuable insights into market trends, potential buyer behaviors, and even advice on staging the home for viewings. I remember when I was selling my old place, my agent gave me tips that significantly expedited the sale. It’s imperative to remember these key pointers because selling a home is not just a transaction; it’s a pivotal moment in many people’s lives. Having a trusted guide by your side can indeed alleviate much of the stress. zamnacapital

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