Are you thinking ahead to swimwear for the summer? Summer is just around the corner! Swimwear always makes me nervous. I don’t enjoy choosing it at all. Also I have too many self-induced criteria . I end up finding very few items that ‘qualify’.
Does anyone else do this? So, for example, I will tell myself, it can’t be too low on the bust, or too high on the leg, or too skimpy – but then equally it can’t be too frumpy either, it can’t be a certain colour, and it absolutely can’t have flowers or stripes on it.
Crazy right? How do you approach choosing swimwear – my approach is painful to say the least.

Having said that, a brand that’s eased the pain the last couple of years has been Hunkemöller. If you are looking to be inspired by swimwear, lingerie or even nightwear or sportswear, this brand offers plenty of inspiration.
They have a really useful swimwear guide on their website, where you can identify your body type and then see what kind of swimwear would suit you. I find things like this really helpful, and it’s a great place to start when looking for swimwear.
I’ve struggled to choose this year, I was looking for a tankini of some sort but couldn’t find one I liked, so I went for this Caged Beauty Underwired Swimsuit instead.

I love the fact it’s got a leather look about it. It’s fairly practical but still a bit glam. When you are swimming with children and they are climbing on your back or jumping off your knee, it can be easy for straps to get dislodged. The straps on this swimsuit are crossed twice at the back, giving that extra bit of ‘security’, so if the children do start climbing on me, I know I’m not going to lose my straps too easily!
If you like being a bit more covered up, they have a range of swimwear cover ups as well, that you can wear at the beach or around the pool.
How do you go about choosing swimwear?