With people still mostly at home due to COVID-19, now could be the time to try out a new style if you’ve been wanting to for a while – Punk Rave anyone?
Perhaps you’ve been trying to pluck up the courage to wear a pair of shorts or a cropped top, or a certain style of dress? Maybe you’ve decided you want to go for a totally new look. Now is a great time to test this out.

Now is not the time to be giving yourself a drastic hair cut or getting your partner to do it for you, but it is the time to be trying out new things. Figure out if there is a new way for you to have your hair up for example, or maybe try that thing where you use a small scarf as a hairband – looks great on so many people, so why not give it a go?
Take some time to teach yourself how to braid your own hair or your children’s in a few different ways, or just see how many versions of a mum bun you can create perhaps?
Perhaps you’ve got a stash of hair products at the back of the cupboard that you’ve been meaning to try out for a while – now is the time!

Maybe you’ve been wanting to try out making your own face masks or scrubs for ages and never got around to it? Perhaps now is the time to give this a go?
You don’t have to spend a fortune, just have a look at what you already have at home and see what you can come up with. I’ve made a face and body scrub out of coffee and honey and a calming face mask out of oats and honey, but there are so many things you could try.
If your aren’t feeling the whole DIY thing, just make sure you try out those bits and bobs you’ve been given over the years but never used! I always think…I’ll try it at the weekend, then the weekend comes and goes and I never try it. Anyone else do this?
Make up
Been wanting to try out a new look for ages, but not sure what you think? Test it out on the family first and wear it around the house to help you decide.
Maybe it’s a new lip or eye colour, or a new way of doing your eyeliner perhaps? Maybe you’ve got a product you bought ages ago but you’ve never tried.

If there is a particular style you’ve been wanting to try out, now is most certainly the time to to this. You can comfortably try out all sorts of things at home and see what you like and what you don’t. I’ve had shorts on during lockdown, which I’ve not worn for a gazillion years and even the odd cropped top, which, as a mum of four is not normally something I’d consider acceptable for myself!
It’s a great chance to just try something out without the pressure of the outside world that so many of us feel sometimes. Maybe it’s something as simple as an off the shoulder set?
Maybe you just want to try out wearing a different colour? I know that normally I tend to gravitate towards black and grey. Anyone else? It’s like my default I think. Why not take this time to try out items in other colours and just see how you feel? I’ve gone crazy and worn bright pink and bright yellow for starters…who knows what I will try next ha ha! It’s good to experiment a bit. Have you done this at all during this strange period of time?
There are tons of offers available at the moment, so if you want to try out a few different things without feeling like you are wasting money, now is a good time. You don’t even have to brave the shops either, (I mean, I’m not a fan of that on the best of days anyway) as there are loads of online stores with great offers on summer styles.
If you find something you really like, you could always ease yourself in by getting it in a colour you wouldn’t normally purchase.

This is a collaborative article.