3 Ways to Build Healthy Relationships in the Workplace

Building an effective interpersonal relationship at work can form the cornerstone of satisfaction with your career. If you are returning to work following a period of maternity leave, or a career break even, this can be more important than ever.

You can damage your career and work relationship by the way you interact with your colleagues. No matter your degree, your experience, or your title, you will never get the success you aspire if you do not know how to get along with others. As a matter of fact, an effective work relationship is a common basis for promotional opportunities, goal accomplishment, pay increases, and job satisfaction.

Positive relationships help us to feel happier, healthier, and more satisfied with our lives. In this piece, we will give you some tips on how you can deal well with others at work.

Create Opportunities for Collective Decision-Making

No organisation can consistently succeed in any market without establishing quality decision making. In doing so, teamwork can provide key opportunities for individuals as well as the organisation they work for to yield the desired outcome, but can also improve motivation and performance as everyone seeks to contribute to achieving the best for all.

Assigning teamwork also provides individuals with a feeling of belonging. It encourages employees to effectively collaborate and communicate with each other. This is also a good avenue to learn how co-workers think and complete tasks.

Encourage Social Interaction

In the workplace, there is a certain level of importance with regards to social interaction, aside from getting the work done. It is essential for every organisation to have an employee wellness program in place which aims to increase the social interactions among employees as this will also increase their level of comfort with one another as a result.

When employees are comfortable with the people around them, they are more at ease in expressing their ideas, provide constructive feedback and offer help to each other. Social interaction likewise lays a solid working environment free from anxiety and stress as employees need not to feel nervous or anxious approaching one another in voicing out their opinions during difficult situations.

Employers can help increase social interactions among their employees by providing a central area for the employees to gather, eat, and converse. Another idea employer may employ is by incorporating an occasional ice breaker during team meetings. These ideas are a good opportunity to build camaraderie at the workplace in order to foster team spirit and boosts productivity.

Promote Open Door Policies

The key to a relationship is trust and the key to trust is balance. Healthy work relationships cannot be established in a workplace culture that does not support mutual respect and open communication. Balancing the needs of the employees and the organisation’s needs is not as easy as it might sound because while the needs of the company are clear, the needs of the employees are invisible.

Hence, it is very important that employers are always willing to listen and act intently with the concerns raised by their employees in order to make them feel seen, heard and valued. Sending a message that employers are accessible and encourage employees to provide feedback and/or discuss any workplace issues sends a signal that transparency is something that is promoted and supported by the organisation, making employees are more likely to seek good relationships with their colleagues.

General thoughts

Building a healthy working environment is vital for career success. Relationships can positively or negatively affect your satisfaction with the job and your ability to gain recognition for your achievements as the most essential thing that impacts employee on how productive and efficient they can be, all goes down to their working environment.

Unfortunately, there as some people who find establishing a relationship difficult. This is sometimes due to low self-esteem and lack of confidence. Low self-esteem and lack of confidence do more than just hold employees back; it also makes individual employees doubt their abilities and judgment, discouraging them from setting ambitious goals and acting on them. This can be even more of an issue for women returning to the workplace after having a baby.

Sadly, self-esteem is not something you can develop overnight or something that your superiors can pass on to their employees. Hence, it is important to seek support in this field, services such as Brain Wellness Spa, may help, in order to remove that feeling intimidated or beaten down by the success of others and can start focusing on your own performance. A bit of self care and exercises in gratitude and posisitive thinking can also really help.

Have you struggled to build positive relaationships in the workplace? How did you deal with this?

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