Tips for Getting the September School Term Off to a Good Start

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As summer comes to a close, the September school term often creeps up faster than expected. For many families, this transition from the relaxed summer vibe to the structured school routine can be a real challenge. Getting back into the swing of things is not only hard for children but for parents too. Here are some practical tips to help you kickstart the new school year on the right foot.

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1. Gradually Reintroduce Routines

Over the summer holidays, it’s common for routines to slip—bedtimes get later, and mornings become more relaxed. To ease the whole family back into the school routine, start adjusting bedtimes and wake-up times gradually, ideally a week or two before school begins. This way, when the first day arrives, no one is in for a shock!

2. Get Organised Early

Organisation is key to reducing the chaos that often accompanies a new school term. Make a checklist of everything you need, from school uniforms and sports kits to stationery and lunch boxes. Doing a back-to-school inventory early will save you from the last-minute rush and help everyone feel more prepared.

3. Set Up a Family Calendar

A family calendar can be a lifesaver when it comes to keeping track of school activities, homework deadlines, and after-school clubs. Consider using a large wall calendar or a digital app that everyone in the family can access. This way, everyone knows what’s happening and when, reducing confusion and helping to plan ahead.

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4. Create a Homework Station

Set up a dedicated space for homework that is free from distractions. Whether it’s a corner of the kitchen or a desk in a child’s room, having a consistent place to study can help children focus better. Stock it with essential supplies like pens, pencils, rulers, and paper to prevent any last-minute scrambles.

5. Meal Planning and Prep

Getting back into school routines often means a return to packed lunches and quick weekday dinners. To make things easier, try meal planning a week in advance. Preparing and freezing meals or chopping vegetables for the week ahead can save precious time during busy evenings. It also helps avoid those “What’s for dinner?” moments that can add to the stress of a busy school week.

6. Involve the Children in the Process

Getting children involved in preparing for the new term can help them feel more in control and less anxious. Let them pick out their own stationery, or help pack their school bag the night before. This not only gives them a sense of responsibility but also makes them more excited about going back to school.

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

7. Prioritise Family Time

While it’s easy to get caught up in the busyness of the new term, it’s essential to prioritise family time to ensure everyone stays connected. Whether it’s a movie night, a family walk, or a Sunday roast, whatever you enjoy as a family, set aside time to unwind together. It can make the transition smoother and help maintain a sense of balance.

8. Encourage Open Conversations

Starting a new school term can be daunting for children, especially if they’re moving to a new school, facing new teachers, or encountering friendship changes. Encourage open conversations about any worries they may have. Knowing they have your support can make all the difference in easing their anxiety.

9. Establish a Morning Routine that Works

Mornings can often be the most stressful part of the school day. To make mornings run smoother, create a checklist for each child that outlines the tasks they need to complete before leaving for school. This could include getting dressed, brushing teeth, and having breakfast. Preparing as much as possible the night before, such as laying out clothes or making packed lunches, can also help reduce morning mayhem.

10. Take Care of Yourself Too

Finally, remember that parents need to adjust as much as the children. The new term can bring added pressures and responsibilities, so it’s crucial to take care of yourself. Try to carve out time for activities that help you relax and recharge, whether that’s reading a book, exercising, or having a coffee or walk with a friend.


Getting the September school term off to a good start requires some planning and preparation, but with these practical tips, you can make the transition smoother for the whole family. Remember, it’s normal to take time to adjust. With patience, organisation, and a bit of family teamwork, you’ll soon find yourself back in the swing of things.

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