We know that the cost of living is rising astronomically and that means many of us are cutting down on what we deem to be ‘unnecessary’ expenses. The thing is, it’s hard to know whether things like private health insurance are necessary or not. When you live somewhere with an excellent public system, the idea of needing private insurance may feel a little absurd and if you can save money, you will. However, you have to consider your health in the overall sense.
Private health cover may not feel like a necessity, but knowing you can access fantastic services and support at facilities like those that Sana Health can offer could give you peace of mind you wouldn’t get elsewhere. Investing in your health is never going to be considered a bad decision. In fact, private health cover can be an excellent decision to make in your finances. Knowing that you can access your private health cover if you need to could be a game changer. So, with this in mind, here are some of the top reasons you should choose private health cover:
- You get to choose where you are treated. Elective surgery isn’t all plastics and cosmetic surgery. In fact, most elective surgeries are those that involve gallbladders, appendixes and even the eyes but the public waiting lists are far too long to wait. Private health cover can really help with minimising the waiting times and while they are always improving, they’re still rather lengthy!
- You know your costs. Private health cover helps you to cover the majority of the costs of certain surgeries and hospital costs. It doesn’t, however, cover absolutely everything. Knowing that you can go to hospital and keep the costs down can give you some peace of mind that you don’t have to embrace bankruptcy to get healthcare. Health cover can help to bridge that gap between what your healthcare provider is charging vs what you can afford.
- Annual checkups may be covered. Family visits to the dentists? Covered. Visits to the optometrist? Covered. Physiotherapy needed? Covered! Private health cover can often get the full cost of their visits back pretty quickly, so you don’t have to worry about paying for glasses out of pocket!
- There are often discounts available. Health cover members will often save money on travel insurance, pet insurance and other essentials. There are often incentives for cinema tickets, groceries and even petrol. You can even get a discount on certain pharmaceuticals, which will go a long way if you have regular prescriptions.
- You have access to more support. If you are under health cover, you’re not just able to access help when you’re sick. You can even use programs for pain management, weight loss and preventative care.
Private health insurance may not be something you necessarily think you need, but once you have it you will never go backwards. You deserve the best possible health and that means looking at what it can do for you!