*WIN* A stunning 9 Piece Rainbow Arch Stacker

If you are a regular reader of the blog you might have seen my review of the Luna & Cash site and their CreaTimber Wooden Balance Board.

You might remember I mentioned their stunning Rainbow Arches in that review. We are now passed the year anniversary of the first lockdown now and the time COVID-19 officially came into all our lives. During the last year, rainbows have become an iconic symbol of gratitude and hope.

In the spirit of this, we have teamed up with the wonderful Luna & Cash to offer one lucky Mummy Fever reader the chance to win this stunning Ocamora Red 9 Piece Rainbow Arch Stacker.

This Red Ocamora Rainbow Stacking Arch is a beautiful 9 piece set of coloured arches. Perfect for all children in the playroom, it is very versatile and can be used alongside other open-ended toys. Use these with some wooden figures and create beautiful play scenes!

Competition Time

I’m thrilled to be able to tell you that I have one of these stunning Ocamora Red 9 Piece Rainbow Arch Stacker toys to giveaway to one lucky Mummy Fever reader.

All you have to do is enter the easy widget below.

Good luck!

WIN a stunning Ocamora Red 9 Piece Rainbow Arch Stacker


  • Giveaway will run until April 24th 2021.
  • There is one prize to be won.
  • The prize is non-transferable and no cash alternative is offered.
  • This giveaway is open to UK entries only.
  • Entrants must be age 18 or over.
  • Data controller for the purposes of this giveaway is Mummy Fever. Your details will not be used for any other purpose than selecting/informing a winner.
  • Winner’s details will be passed to Luna & Cash who are responsible for sending out the prize.
  • All entries will be checked.
  • The winner will be chosen at random from valid entries after the closing date.
  • The winner will be informed via email.
  • Failure to respond within two days may result in a new winner being drawn.
  • Once drawn, the winner’s name may be displayed on this blog post.
  • Entry into the giveaway will be deemed as acceptance of these terms and conditions.

This is a collaborative article.


  1. Saving time for appointments with video calls, particularly hospital appointments and high school parents evening! I hope they continue!

  2. I learned to knit and can now knit socks, mittens, cowls, shawls and I am about to start my first jumper!

  3. On line shopping has saved us so much time, and discovering small local businesses to support. We will not be going back to the old routine, and will continue to support local enterprises.

  4. Definitely being ‘forced’ to find more ways to play with the kids- we’ve done so much more crafting and creative activities!

  5. The best thing to come out of the pandemic is the community spirit that has come to thefore.

  6. More flexibility from employers regarding working from home. I used to have to waste holiday or take unpaid leave if a child was ill or had an inset day, now they’re more than happy for me to just work from home.

  7. Realising how easily things can just be taken away and in turn appreciating loved ones more

  8. More time spent with my 17 year old and enjoying each others company as well as getting lots of odd jobs done and teaching him a few life skills along the way.

  9. The best thing in my opinion is the appreciation of essential workers and the knowledge we have amazing scientists in this world!

  10. Really appreciating some of the little things, spending time with my family, making time to read for myself, helping my kids with their learning, and discovering that with a good positive attitude there are alternative ways of doing things which perhaps would never have been considered before.

  11. The best thing to come out of covid is the effect it’s had on the environment, with less human activity and foreign travel shut down the air’s cleaner and marine life, wild life and nature in general are thriving

  12. I have really enjoyed lockdown! I have enjoyed spending time at home with my family and appreciating our garden (we have spent so much time in it)

  13. I think I appreciate smaller things I may have taken for granted like health and family and friends.I got such pleasure from growing veg without buying anything! I also learned that I need to bite my tongue more when my husband on furlough, I think he felt the same !

  14. There’s no doubt that it has proven the world can solve problems quickly when it wants too – let’s hope they do the same with global warming!

  15. Don’t take anything for granted, things can change in the blink of an eye, spend every moment you can with your family

  16. Finaly sorting out my routine and being organised, plus relying on one another as a family unit.

  17. The best thing is an appreciation of the simple things that we previously took for granted such as a walk in the park or a visit to the garden centre.

  18. For making me realise that the little things in life matter – and to slow down and appreciate what we already have

  19. So many things
    Realising how lucky we are to have a good ‘normal’ life
    Extra time with the kids
    Working from home
    Back to Basis eg a walk being the highlight of the weekend haha.

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