Supporting teenage boys with shaving and mental health

Are you the parent of a teenage boy? Perhaps you are the parent of a soon to be teenager and you are worrying about how to support them with things like shaving? If that is you, read on.

As the parent of a teenage girl and three boys, one who is soon to be a teenager, I’ve become aware of the differences in the availability of information and products aimed at girls and boys.

As someone who, as a teenager, took a few chunks out of her legs with razors during the early days of shaving my legs, I have to be honest that the thought of allowing my boys to be let lose with a razor for their face fills me with utter dread.

Until recently, I have not found anything for boys that was age appropriate. yes, you can find tons of shaving kits and subscriptions out there but, these are not the kinds of kits that are suitable for teenage boys just starting out shaving. They miss the mark and throw boys in at the deep end, with little support and guidance.

I am delighted however, to have recently been introduced to DRUCEBOX, which fills the gap perfectly.

All about DruceBox

DRUCEBOX are a team of youth experts passionate about helping teenage boys not just survive, but thrive in today’s world. They recognised that teenagers don’t get a lot of the support they need in today’s ever changing world, and they wanted to change that and have a positive impact.

​Whilst there is lots of support out there, many teenage boys don’t want to access it, and most have never been taught to shave. So what did DRUCEBOX do? They put quality shaving gear and advice in one tidy box to make a boys life easier!

The image above is an example of a complete DRUCEBOX. You can buy items individually, but, for boys starting out shaving, the full kit/gift box is a great place to begin.

So, what’s included?

Each shaving kit contains the following items:

  • A personalised welcome card
  • Ultimate 20 page Shaving Guide
  • DRUCEBOX Razor
  • 50ml Clear Shaving Gel
  • 50ml Aftershave Face Putty
  • Aloe Rich 5 Blade Razor Cartridges x5
  • 100% Cotton Premium Face Towel
  • 6 weeks of Personal ONE2ONE Messaging Support
  • Razor Travel Bag

This is a really good starter kit, which comes complete with tips and advice, so boys don’t feel dumped at the deep end.

The verdict

As a parent I am so impressed with this kit. It is really well thought out and put together and it is clear that the company have really tried to bridge the gap in knowledge and information for teenage boys and, mums in particular. There is so much useful information packed into the 20 page guide and the messaging support is utter genius!

My soon to be teen was impressed with the kit, the way it is packaged and all the useful information.

We can’t always cover all bases as parents, but equipping our children with helpful information is a really good start! Being informed and prepared can also have a positive impact on metal health at a time of significant change.

Grab a discount

I’m pleased to tell you that if you fancy getting one of these kits, or indeed anything on the site for your teenage boys, I have a discount code to offer you.

Just use the code MUMMYFEVER15 at the checkout for 15% – please note this will expire 31/05/21.

Competition time

Now the really exciting part. I’ve got one of these shaving kits to giveaway to one lucky Mummy Fever reader. All you need to do is complete the easy widget below.

WIN a Druce Box shaving kit for teen boys


  • Giveaway will run until April 23rd 2021.
  • There is one prize to be won.
  • The prize is non-transferable and no cash alternative is offered.
  • This giveaway is open to UK entries only.
  • Entrants must be age 18 or over.
  • Data controller for the purposes of this giveaway is Mummy Fever. Your details will not be used for any other purpose than selecting/informing a winner.
  • Winner’s details will be passed to DruceBox who are responsible for sending out the prize.
  • All entries will be checked.
  • The winner will be chosen at random from valid entries after the closing date.
  • The winner will be informed via email.
  • Failure to respond within two days may result in a new winner being drawn.
  • Once drawn, the winner’s name may be displayed on this blog post.
  • Entry into the giveaway will be deemed as acceptance of these terms and conditions.

This is a collaborative article.


  1. Im lucky my son is 16 and were still close. Accepting they have to make mistakes and allowing them to do so is hard but at the moment, it’s accepting I’ll never be able to blow raspberries on his belly is upsetting

  2. The hardest thing is them thinking you jhave no idea what theyre going through. Its as though they think you were born at the age you are now!

    1. The constant mood changes, the lack of wanting to spend time together as a family and the worry

  3. Getting the balance right between trusting them to be making the right choices and not interfering too much but also being there to support them in making the right choices when they need us. My son certainly could do with a product like this.

  4. The grunts and general non-communication and then they light up with their mates and become altogether different beings

  5. Teens are hard because of their strive for independence when they’re not quite old enough to wear that particular coat!

  6. The biggest problem is getting them to listen to you when ask them to something as normally they don’t.

  7. Definitely not doing what you ask them! They just ignore you, and get into strops over the most random things.

  8. Knowing when to stand back, and let them do their own thing, trusting everything will be ok, vs. stepping in to try to control a situation that you suspect could be problematic!

  9. This is fab! We are just at the lip fluff stage with my 14 yr old and beginning to chat about when he starts shaving, I’ve been actively looking tor a kit like this!

  10. Well my children are getting older now but I am entering this for my grandson. I think no matter how old your children are you will always worry.I daresay more now with drugs, And more traffic. And bullying as always been going on.Something my gran used to say that sticks in my mind “They make your arms ache when they are young but, your heart aches as they get older”

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