Five Ways Technology is Changing the Fitness Industry

Keeping fit is one way that people improve their health and maintain a good body shape. In the recent years, it has also thrived to be a massive industry. Those that can offer fitness services have gone full throttle in utilising every avenue that will help them reach out to the huge client base. Back in 2015, the fitness industry was already valued at £4.3 billion.

exercise from home

Technology has improved the industry significantly, more so in the availing of information and training materials. Providers and clients can now interact freely and comfortably from different corners of the world and achieve their goals.

The growth is comparable to the online gaming industry – mobile casino games and various other online games are being advertised with the same enthusiasm too. The following are a few ways that the fitness industry is being shaped positively by technology.

Membership Drive

workout to look younger

Some years back, the only ways that fitness clubs could reach out to prospective members was through newspaper ads, letterbox drops and the usual communication methods that were there before technology. Even though they were still effective back then, technology has now changed the game, and the clubs can reach to millions through social media and other technological communication methods.

Motivational Gadgets

You usually see people jogging with their earphones on. That’s one way of motivating yourself to keep on going and complete a session. Technology has improved, and now we have gadgets that track people’s fitness. They measure your level of activity and hence help you to keep it within the safe regions, or work more if you aren’t doing enough.

Wearable Technology

The best wearable technology tends to be in the form of wristbands or watches, which in addition to helping you to time yourself, track your heart rate and other crucial fitness factors. Some mobile applications will also help you to do responsible fitness exercises as well as feed properly in a healthy way.

Unlimited Access

workout at home

The usual brick and mortar gyms have specific hours for which you can use them, which just aren’t practical for so many of us these days. Online gyms, on the other hand, offer you limitless access. You will get a trainer at any time you want because they mostly work in shifts. You will hence simply switch on your network enabled TV to connect to a class that you have been slotted to join, and away you go. You Tube workouts are also a favourite of many.

Online Fitness Communities

You may think that by going digital, you won’t have a fitness community to depend on for social support. Wrong. Social media has brought up many Whatsapp and Facebook groups for instance, where members share experiences and help where needed. You won’t be alone out there because virtual support and encouragement will be in abundance.

Innovative Machinery

Fitness is about monitoring your body system as you work out so that you can achieve your goals. The treadmills that we have nowadays do more than just help you to run. They can monitor your heart rate and even communicate to you on your performance, thanks to its surrounding speakers. You can also check the information on the integrated LED display.

As technology improves, there is more to come when it comes to the fitness industry. The 3D body scanner will be introduced, where it will offer feedback on the changes that your body experiences as you continue with your fitness program.

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