Making Your Mornings Better as a Mum

Mornings can be an absolute circus when you’re a mum. You’ve got the usual parade of responsibilities—packing lunches, finding missing school shoes, and refereeing breakfast table bickering—all before 8 a.m. Sometimes it feels like you deserve a trophy just for getting everyone out of the house with (relatively) clean socks on. But, you know what? You can make your mornings not only more effective, but more enjoyable as a mum. Here’s how:

Photo by Ben Kolde on Unsplash

1. The Night-Before Magic Trick

Gather Your Arsenal

You know that smug feeling when you find the perfect outfit for yourself on a Sunday night, and then Monday morning you skip out the door like some sort of well-organised superhero? Let’s harness that, shall we? It might be tempting to collapse on the sofa after the kids are (finally) in bed, but spending just ten minutes prepping for the next day can save you from the morning meltdown. Lay out your clothes, pack lunches, and make sure you know where those elusive keys have disappeared to this time. (What is it with keys and that weird parallel universe they love to hide in?)

Set the Breakfast Table

If your dining table is currently doubling as your personal craft store, laundry station, and pet assembly line, try clearing a little space and setting it up for breakfast the night before. Bowls, spoons, cereal, even a pitcher of water if you’re feeling particularly ambitious—anything to limit how many times you open the cupboard while half asleep and forget why you did. It’s a simple step, but one that can turn “ARRGH!” mornings into “ahh” mornings. Or at least cut your screaming by 20%.

2. Embrace the Chaos (and Delegate It)

The Art of Controlled Mayhem

Spoiler alert: your mornings will never be perfectly calm. It’s just not going to happen when small humans are involved – but you can channel the chaos. Assign tasks to each family member—yes, including the littles. Even toddlers can learn to put their own cereal bowl on the table or carry their pyjamas to the washing basket (assuming they don’t forget mid-journey and decide to wear said pyjamas as a superhero cape).

Create a Family Command Centre

Consider setting up a small “command centre” somewhere in your home. Think of it as Mission Control, but instead of launching rockets, you’re launching children out the front door. Hang a whiteboard, pin board, or chalkboard to keep track of chores, to-dos, and after-school activities. This lets everyone know what’s happening each day—no more “Mum, you never told me I had swimming!” when you definitely told them six times. Now it’s in writing, and writing never lies (except for disclaimers on snack labels that promise “natural fruit flavours”).

3. The Best Espresso Machine: Your New Best Friend

Fuel for the Battle

Let’s talk coffee, shall we? If you’re still nursing a lukewarm instant coffee that tastes vaguely of cardboard, it might be time to up your caffeine game. Owning the best espresso machine you can reasonably afford is a total game-changer. Picture this: while your offspring are frantically searching for that homework sheet (the one they swore they put in their bag), you’re casually sipping on a velvety cappuccino that rivals your favourite café’s. Mornings suddenly become much more bearable when you’re armed with genuine, robust coffee.

Don’t Fear the Frother

Many mums avoid getting a fancy coffee machine because they fear it’ll be one more contraption collecting dust in the kitchen – but modern espresso machines often come with user-friendly settings—and a milk frother that makes you feel like a professional barista, minus the ridiculous apron. Plus, once the children realise they can have frothy hot chocolate on demand, you’ll likely earn yourself some quiet time. They’ll be too busy slurping their cocoa to argue over whether the iPad battery is above 5%.

4. Breakfast Hackery

Five-Minute Feasts

In the perfect world, we’d all wake up early, meditate, and whip up a gourmet breakfast of avocado toast, poached eggs, and fresh fruit compote. In real life, we’re pressing snooze and rummaging through the fridge at 7:20 a.m. So let’s keep it simple. Overnight oats are a fuss-free option—just mix oats, milk (or a dairy alternative), a sprinkle of chia seeds, and some sweetener before you go to bed. By the time you wake up, you’ve got a bowl of porridgey goodness that’s ready to devour. No stirring, no waiting, no fuss.

Sneaking in Nutrition

For children who’d rather fast than eat something that resembles fruit, smoothies are your new best mate. Throw in a banana, some spinach (they won’t taste it, promise), a handful of frozen berries, and a bit of yoghurt or juice. Blitz it all together, serve it in a colourful cup with a straw, and watch them slurp down vitamins without complaint. Bonus: if you’re feeling extra adventurous, you can add a scoop of peanut butter—because peanut butter fixes everything.

5. Out the Door in (Almost) One Piece

Creating a Launch Pad

The idea of a “launch pad” might conjure images of NASA scientists huddled around computers, but it’s a brilliantly simple mum hack. Find a spot near the front door—a bench, a table, even a crate—and designate it as the drop-off point for school bags, sports kits, coats, and shoes. This means no more hysterical hunts for a single trainer 30 seconds before you need to leave. It won’t eliminate all drama (someone will inevitably claim they “forgot” their tennis racket), but it’ll definitely reduce it.

Timing Is Everything

If you think you need to leave at 8:15, tell the kids you need to leave at 8:00. Seriously. Children have a miraculous talent for taking an hour to do what should realistically take two minutes—like brushing their teeth or putting on a single sock and someone will always need a poo! This gentle trick gives you a 15-minute buffer to manage any last-second catastrophes. Just make sure you don’t forget your own cunning plan and end up sitting in the car, fuming at your watch, wondering why no one else has arrived at school yet.

6. Mindful Mum Moments

A Quick Breather

We often feel like we’ve got to hustle from the moment our eyes open till the moment we collapse into bed. But sometimes, all we need is a quiet minute to ourselves—preferably accompanied by that glorious cup of coffee. Even if you can only carve out 60 seconds of solitude, do it. Stand by the kettle, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and remind yourself that you’ve got this (or at least you’re faking it well enough).

Reframe the Chaos

Instead of cursing the fact that mornings are hectic, try reframing it: you’re raising small, curious humans who need your help to navigate the world. And you’re doing it day in, day out, with love, perseverance, and a faint whiff of desperation. Yes, it can feel bonkers at times, but one day you’ll look back and miss these chaotic mornings—or so they tell us. Let’s just assume they’re telling the truth, shall we?

Here’s to mornings you can really enjoy!

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