Is It Half Term Yet? Surviving the Post-Christmas Back-to-School Hurdles

is it halt term yet?

As the holiday decorations come down and the last crumb of gingerbread disappears, parents everywhere find themselves thrust back into the chaos of the school routine. The question on every weary adult’s mind echoes through households like a mantra: “Is it half term yet?” In this article, I delve into the struggles of navigating the back-to-school routine post-Christmas and the quest for that elusive break.

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AMAZON sports leggings with pockets: 10 of the best

just strong

I spend the bulk of my time in sports leggings. I find them super comfortable and easy to wash and wear, but also really practical too. I find that (unless I have a meeting) then getting up and dressed into sports leggings is a massive time saver. It means that at some point in the day when I find a pocket of time to exercise, I can just get on with it, rather than stopping to get changed etc.

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School run clothing: keeping it easy

school run

The school run is one of those times you see all sorts of sights. From people in their pyjamas and slippers, to those in full make up and designer clothing. There really is a huge spectrum of clothing. Where do you sit on the spectrum? What’s your approach? There are lots of parents who don’t […]

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A shock to the system

being late

Last night my youngest little man (now 22 months) slept through the night for the first time…in his own bed! Great right? Hmmmm…. On the surface, yes it should have been great. I slept in my own bed, all night, didn’t have to get out of bed for anyone in the night. Woke up and […]

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Staying warm and dry on the school run

school run

The school runs and playgroup runs are synonymous with rain much of the time. This last few weeks it’s been more snow. I swear that the moment I put my coat and boots on and start piling children and bags into the car it immediately chucks it down. Of course, it’s the same the other […]

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