The Black Friday Sales are coming and with many people in the UK in lockdown, these are likely to be bigger than ever this year. Last year I managed to pick up a couple of things in the Black Friday sales but before that I’ve never managed to get anything much at all.
You do have to be careful to hunt out the real bargains, not those that claim to be massive discounts or great deals and then they turn out to have knocked off £2.99 from the original RRP!
Have you had any fantastic Black Friday bargains before? Do let me know in a comment below.

What’s on sale?
So what can you actually buy in the Black Friday sales? Pretty much anything really, so think beyond those Christmas presents for family members and consider things you’ve maybe been putting off or saving up for.
Before Black Friday was even a thing here in the UK I remember seeing images of people in the USA fighting in shops over televisions and surround sound systems – it was wild!
This year at least there will be non of that in the UK as many people will be at home and many shops will be closed.

Flooring for your home
If you are mid-renovation, or just doing a spot of DIY or upgrading over the next few weeks and months, consider purchasing flooring for your home during the Black Friday Sales.
There will be plush carpets and rugs on sale from a range of retailers, there will be a huge engineered flooring sale and tons of variety’s of colours and finishes of a range of wood, laminate and of course floor tiles as well.

You might be thinking that you aren’t quite ready to purchase flooring because your home improvement project hasn’t got that far yet – if you’ve got the space to store the flooring, it is so worth purchasing in the Black Friday Sales. With so many items half price or less, you will be making a huge saving!