Lisa Michaels is a freelance writer, editor and a striving content marketing consultant from Portland. Being self-employed, she does her best to stay on top of the current trends in business and tech. Feel free to connect with her on Twitter @LisaBMichaels.
As a parent, you’re in an extremely powerful position when it pertains to your child’s education. Most parents don’t realise the power they truly have until they have to exert it.
However, if you want to make sure your child remains in a strong tradition of high achievement, you’ll want to consider a routine and regimen that supports that goal.
Consider the following ways you can make that happen.

1. Enrichment Programs
There are plenty of programs that specialise in helping students in specific subject areas.
If your child is a maths whizz, consider enrolling them in an after-school maths club.
If your child loves reading, find out if the local library maintains a book club or reading program for students who love reading. These programs don’t necessarily need to involve tutoring.
There are camps, after-school clubs, and fairs that promote the love of learning.
As you figure out which subjects your child loves the most, find ways for them to explore and learn more about that subject.
This effort nurtures the love they have for the subject.
2. Tutoring
Tutoring is especially important when your child is running into challenges with a specific subject.
Instead of waiting until they fail a test, find a tutor to help them navigate the class from the beginning.
After a conversation with your child’s teacher, you’ll probably get an idea of which subject is the most challenging for your child.
Finding the right tutor might seem intimidating, but consider getting referrals from teachers and friends to find the right fit for your child.
A tutor will be able to offer specialised attention to your child in a way that is challenging for a teacher managing thirty students at once.
3. Technology

Instead of banning the iPad during the school year, embrace it.
Allow your child to use smart technology to enrich their educational experience by downloading apps and games that allow them to learn more about a particular subject.
Whether you’d like for your child to work on learning their numbers or learning a foreign language, there’s an app for everything.
Do your research before downloading anything to your child’s tablet.
It’s also wise to maintain parental locks and controls to prevent pop-ups, spam or inappropriate ads from infiltrating the device.
If you’re worried about your child becoming addicted to their tablet, just monitor their screen time.
You can use a timer to make sure they have a designated slot for their tablet before they move on to another enriching and stimulating activity.
When there’s a balance, it’s harder for children to get addicted to anything.
4. Hands-On Projects and Trips
Travelling is such an important component of education because it expands a person’s mindset.
Don’t wait until your child is ready to go off to college before they experience the beauty of travel and hands-on experiences.
There are ways to include both a mix of local, national and international travelling experiences.
Start by allowing your child to visit local museums and parks. As they’re learning about a specific culture in school, take them to a restaurant and a museum that shares the culture more.
If you live in Pennsylvania and your child is learning about U.S. history, plan a weekend trip where you all drive down to Washington, D.C. You can plan a visit that includes the White House, the Capitol building and more.
If your child is learning about South America, start saving up your pennies so that over the summer, you and your family can take a trip to South America.
These efforts will push you and your child out of your comfort zones.
However, it will make all of their educational experiences come to life in a completely different and memorable way.
5. Parent/Teacher Partnerships

Get to know your child’s teachers. If you can, join the PTA. Offer to volunteer within the classroom. Get to know the principal.
It’s always helpful to develop a relationship so that you can stay on top of the strengths and weaknesses of your child. Children need to know that their parents care.
Don’t just look at school as the place that babysits your child while you live your life. Your child spends the majority of their childhood years in the classroom.
This means that someone else is having a major impact on your child’s development. Don’t just hand them the reigns while you do your own thing.Remain plugged into what’s happening so that you can be sure that your child is receiving the best care, attention, and education they can possibly receive.
This way, they’ll be fully equipped to go off into the real world once they finish high school.
It starts with little habits in primary school. Start sooner rather than later in developing a presence and partnership with your child’s teachers.
As you work through these various tactics, take note of what your child tends to gravitate to the most. While you want to provide a well-rounded balance of educational experiences for your child’s growth, it’s also wise to take a look at the ways they tend to absorb information the best.
Every child is different, so it’s very difficult for a teacher to cater to a ton of children within each classroom. When you take the task upon yourself to ensure your child’s success, you’ll put your child in a position to achieve and win during the school year.