Home Remedies for Hair – Top 7 Remedies That Actually Work

Is there a woman alive that doesn’t desire thick, long, and lustrous hair? Let’s be honest, even men want thick and lustrous hair. No matter the age, gender, or anything else, long and thick hair is many people’s dream.

Our hair plays a key role in defining our face. With that in mind, we want shine, length, and strength, but those attributes are not easy to achieve.

Take into consideration the following factors: pollution, hectic lifestyle, harsh chemicals in the hair care products we use, and so on. With all that in mind, it is hard to have shiny and soft long hair.

Today, we will talk about home remedies for hair growth that will help you achieve exactly that.

One promising avenue for addressing hair concerns is through clinical trials, such as those exploring innovative treatments like TDM-105795, as detailed by Follicle Thought.

Factors for hair growth

There are many factors that influence hair growth. What we have to understand is that our hair has a defined life cycle – but factors that are out of our hands, or in our hands, can sometimes speed up or slow down the growth process.

The good news is that some of the factors are in your control. Here are some:

– Diet, meaning unhealthy diet causing mineral and vitamin deficiency

– Weak immune system

– Hormonal imbalance

– Physical stress on your hair, excessive usage of hair products

– Environmental factors, including pollution and sunlight exposure

– Psychological issues like anxiety and stress

– Consumption of medications like blood thinners and antidepressants

– Sudden weight loss

With that in mind, let’s talk about the home remedies for hair growth.

Top 7 home remedies

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is one of the best natural conditioners for hair rich in minerals like potassium, coconut oil can help keep your scalp healthy, and promote healthy growth of hair at the same time. Most importantly, coconut oil will repair any damaged hair on your scalp. You can use for dandruff, hair loss, hair breakage, and so on.

Here is how to use it:

1. Warm up a tablespoon or two of virgin coconut oil in your hands

2. Gently massage the oil over your scalp

3. Put a shower cap on your head, and leave the oil overnight. Rinse off in the morning. Repeat two times per week


Garlic and garlic oil stimulate hair follicles in the scalp. In the same time, the oil improves circulation, providing more nourishment for your hair follicles and stimulating healthy hair growth.

Garlic also provides minerals like zinc, and calcium to your hair, while also giving your hair antimicrobial properties. You can use garlic for hair growth to purify your hair follicles, prevent clogging, and curb hair loss.

1. Crush 8 cloves of garlic and 1 medium sized onion, and  then blend them to get a fine pulp

2. Heat ½ cup of olive oil in a pan, and then add the paste

3. Heat until the pulp starts to turn brown. Turn off the heat

4. Let the oil to cool down, and then strain it. Discard the pulp

5. Apply two tablespoons of the oil and gently massage them into your scalp

6. Wait 15 minutes after massaging, and then cover the length of your hair in the oil. Let it sit for 30 more minutes

7. Wash off with a mild shampoo. Repeat three times per week

Argan oil

Famously dubbed “liquid gold”, Argan oil is becoming more and more popular by the day. The revolutionary gift of nature works on thinning hair, improves hair quality, helps with moisture, and enhances hair growth. More importantly, Argan oil helps repair damaged hair, meaning you can use no matter in what condition your hair is. After a couple of treatments, your hair will get back its shine.

1. Massage two tablespoons of Argan oil on your scalp and hair ends

2. Allow the hair to absorb the oil for one hour. Rinse off. Repeat two times per week

Castor oil

In the past few years, castor oil is making a big comeback in hair care. In fact, castor oil for hair growth is one of the more commonly searched phrases on Google. You can use it to allow your hair to grow stronger, more lustrous, and faster. Castor oil helps with moisture, reduces split ends, boosts hair growth, and reduces possible bald patches.

1. Warm up a tablespoon of castor oil, and then apply on your clean scalp

2. Massage the oil well into your scalp

3. Wrap your hair in a moist towel, and let it stay there for 20 minutes. Rinse off

4. If you have dandruff issues, you can add a teaspoon of lemon juice to the solution

5. Apply two times per week

Olive oil

Olive oil is probably the cheapest remedy you have in your kitchen. Regular use of the oil facilitates hair growth, all while acting as a natural conditioner. Use olive oil to make your hair soft and silky, and prevent hair loss. Other than these remedies, finasteride is a great tablet that stimulates hair growth. Taken on a daily basis, it will help you overcome hair loss.

1. Warm up extra virgin olive oil, and then massage your scalp with it

2. Soak a towel in hot water, wring out the excess water, and then wrap it around your hair. Leave for 20 minutes

3. Rinse off. Repeat every 5 days

Apple cider vinegar

In some cases, hair loss is caused by bad pH balance of your hair and scalp. Apple cider vinegar helps balance the regular balance, cleanse your scalp, and provides antimicrobial properties that prevent dandruff.

1. Mix 75ml of apple cider vinegar and 1l of water

2. Wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo

3. Rinse your hair as usual, and then rinse it using one cup of the ACV solution. Repeat every time you wash your hair


Honey provides hydrating and nourishing properties to your hair. Rich in vitamins and minerals, honey can strengthen your follicles and hair strands. In the same time, the remedy provides antioxidants that eliminate any debris and dirt damaging your scalp.

1. Mix 1 teaspoon of honey and 2 tablespoons of your regular shampoo

2. Apply on your hair, leave it for 5 minutes, and then rinse as usual

3. Repeat two times per week


  1. I would definitely try these remedies as my hair is in a very bad state. Went through a very stressful period so my hair started to fall a lot. Now it’s a lot better however it doesn’t have the shine and doesn’t look healthy. Thank you for the tips ?? hopefully it will work for me!

  2. Wow I didn’t know any of this. Definitely will try some of them out.
    I take it to be applied to dry hair?

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