Millenials are cleaning mad – and it’s thanks to Mrs Hinch

SQUEAKY CLEAN Brits millennials are embracing housework thanks to Instagram cleaning sensation, Mrs Hinch. Have you heard of her?

The survey of 1,042 UK adults conducted by household appliances e-tailler,, revealed that millennials, those born in the early 80’s to mid 90’s, are the cleanest generation, spending on average 3.65 hours per week cleaning their home.

It seems baby boomers, those born mid 40’s to mid 60’s, cleaning the home is viewed as more of a chore, and instead spend just short of 3 hours per week cleaning. 

Generation X, those born mid 60’s to end 70’s, confess to getting their hands dirty even less, with just 2.15 hours per week spent cleaning on average. They are also the most likely generation to hire help around the home.

It’s no surprise then to see that it is millennials who have been most influenced by Instagram cleaning sensation, Mrs Hinch, who boasts 1 million followers and is spearheading the fight against grime through her online videos.

When quizzed on their knowledge of the cleaning star, more than two thirds (67%) of millennials knew of Mrs Hinch, and 44% of these said they have used a cleaning hack of hers in their cleaning routines.

Almost 1 in 10 (8%) said they have followed her on social media compared to just 2% of Generation X.

Mark Kelly marketing manager at comments: “It’s quite unbelievable to see the impact that Mrs Hinch is having on the nation with her cleaning hacks and entertaining videos on social media. Mrs Hinch’s content makes cleaning look easy and enjoyable, and with so many young people engaged with her it is inspiring a house-proud generation.

“It’s also astonishing to see how the younger generations are spending almost 4 hours cleaning each week in their homes, suggesting they are keeping on top of the housework each day in a bid to avoid it building up overtime.

Mrs Hinch’s cleaning hacks include a number of daily tasks to help keep on top of the chores and keep the home clean and tidy, and this is no doubt influencing the younger generation in their daily cleaning routines.

For more information on visit the website. sells a vast range of kitchen gadgets, white goods and other household appliances.

How long do you spend cleaning each week – do you have any hacks of your own?


  1. I spend at least 10 hours cleaning my house every week, and another 7 or 8 hours doing laundry, but then I am at home most of the time and hate dirt.

  2. These are some great millennials are cleaning mad and its thanks to mrs hinch, that you have discussed here. I really loved it and thank you very much for sharing this with us. You have a great visualization and you have really presented this content in a really good manner.

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