This week has been a really wet week. It’s been a massive contrast to the glorious weather we’ve mainly had over the lockdown weeks so I think it was a bit of a shock to the system. We don’t let the rain stop us getting outside, but it does reduce the amount of time we spend outside.
There has been some seriously impressive painting by numbers going on here with our biggest boy. He had this as a birthday gift from a friend of mine and I’m just so impressed with the way it has turned out.

This took up a reasonable part of two days and required some serious concentration. I now need to find a frame for it so we can get it up on the wall!
There has been lots of skateboarding going on this week, even in the rain. The boys have done some each day and it’s been amazing to see the progression and watch their skills develop with the help of their big brother.

As usual, wet weeks mean lots of baking. The children all get so much out of baking and coming up with new ideas. There has been tray bake, granola and a birthday cake being made this week (in time for a family birthday on Monday).

I wanted to just say what an amazing resource I think Twinkl is. I knew about the site before as the little boys school have a membership and lots of the homework sheets that get sent home are from there.
At the start of lockdown Twinkl offered parents free membership to support them through this period of crisis schooling. I have litterally been on their site every night printing off work for the next day. It’s been one of the most valuable things during COVID-19.
The period of free membership is coming to an end but I’ve decided it’s worth me buying a membership for a little while longer. I can’t quite get over how amazing the resources are on there, and not just for the little boys too, I can get things for the older children as well. Do you use this site?
We’ve managed bits of gardening between the rain. Even managed to cut the lawn. Good job as everything is growing so fast at the moment.
We found this little fella under a rock in the garden. It was great timing actually as the little boys have been learning about the life cycle of a frog this week.

We ended the week with sports day. Something we’ve been planning for a while. We didn’t want the children to miss out so we recreated it at home, splitting into two teams.

We had running, backwards, sack, egg and spoon, skipping, obstacle and under and over races. It was such a fun day and we created an awards ceremony and party afterwards.
What have you been up to?