When selling a home you will want to make your home as accessible to as many people as possible. You may have seen these home improvement shows where they talk about keeping the decorating plain so the new homeowner can put their personality to it, but one thing most tv shows don’t talk about is some of the safety features that can be installed to make a home more accessible to families.
Families can range from a parent and child to parents, multiple children and even grandparents who could live with them for health reasons.
Firstly, you should look at the target market and who typically lives in the area in which you want to sell your home. If the target market is a younger professional crowd then you may not want to adapt your home for families. But if families do typically live in your area you should then create a home that is safe and welcoming towards them.
Here are some of the things that you can do to your home to make it safer for families.

1) Make your bathroom safe for all ages.
According to taking care, a company that specialises in fall alarms for the elderly, over 30% of people over the age of 55 will have a fall this year which could be fatal. If your area has a high population of older residents you will want to make the bathroom and other areas of your home safer for seniors.
Making your bathroom safer for seniors as well as other members of the family is something that is desirable and can be done on a low budget. Older people can have specialist baths fitted while replacing old tiles with tiles with more grip is going to benefit everyone using that bathroom.
Handrails and grab rails can also be installed in your home if it’s going to be sold to an older person.
2) Get rid of clutter
Families will need to see if they can imagine themselves living in a home. This is made difficult if the pictures of your home show a lot of clutter. Clutter is not only dangerous as it can cause trips and falls but it’s also something that puts off potential buyers.
Clutter can be sold or you can put it into storage until your home has sold. Either way, clutter should be removed from your home before you attempt to sell it. If your home is clutter-free it’s much easier for a potential buyer to imagine living there.
3) Improve the lighting in your home

Bad lighting in a home can make it look dark, dingy and undesirable. Not only does a badly lit house put off potential buyers but it’s dangerous too. Younger children and seniors can trip and fall if the lighting isn’t good within a house so if you want it to attract the attention of families make sure to improve the lighting in your home.
Lighting is one of those things that isn’t cheap to improve but makes a huge difference when it comes to selling your home so be sure to invest in the right lighting for your home.
4) Make sure your home smells great.
Selling a home is all about making the potential buyers imagine living there. This can be done by creating space and through the use of pleasant smells. The sense of smell is a powerful sales tool and a badly smelling house can ruin a sale instantly.
If you have a home that smells bad, you will need to find the source of that problem and then fix it. Bad smells can be caused by smoking, pets, damp and much more. Find the source of the bad smell, eliminate it and then use candles, bake bread or roast coffee to improve the smell of your home when people come around to view it.
The smell of your home goes a long way, so improving the smell of your home is a great way of making it more attractive to families.
5) Keep the garden maintained

If you have a big garden and it’s not maintained, not only are you doing your home a disservice but you’re also showing potential buyers of your home that the garden takes too much time to maintain.
No family is going to want to move into a home and spend hours and hours weeding or getting rid of a cluttered garden. If you do have a big garden in your home make sure to maintain it so you can not only show off your garden but you can also show potential buyers that it doesn’t take much maintenance to fix.
The housing market is crazy at the moment and by making your home attractive to the potential buyer you are giving yourself the best chance of getting the top range of your budget.