How to survive in a remote region

I’ve always had quite a fascination for remote areas and wondered how it would be living in a remote region. I’ve always loved being in the countryside and have always felt most at home in the mountains.

I love a good view, and if there is a high chance of snow during the winter months then so much the better.


Although living in a remote area massively appeals, I’m not keen on being totally cut off from civilisation. I like places that are a healthy balance of both  – so when you open the curtains you see mountains, cows and sheep and a view that makes you go ahhhh BUT I also don’t like to be far from a Starbucks and the motorway network.

I’d much rather have a school run jam up that looks like this, rather than being bumper to bumper with cars all fighting their way to their destination.

school run

We get on really well with the neighbours and they are never any trouble, well the cows aren’t anyway…the sheep that wander loose around the area can be rather inquisitive, but they’ve only danced on the plants in the garden once.


Living in a remote area is certainly not for everyone. There are those that enjoy the bright lights and hustle and bustle of city life and there are others who enjoy what a busy village can offer, where everyone knows each other. For us, we like the feeling of being remote, without physically being that far away from everything.

Flogas recently spoke to 910 Brits and found that 85% of people have, at some point, considered moving away from the city to live “off-grid.” Their key findings were as follows:

  • Most people prioritise running water, electricity and gas for cooking and heating as top priorities, but around 8% don’t see them
    as a priority at all in a remote area.
  • 80% of respondents think that living in a remote area would suit them.
  • Almost half of respondents would miss their smartphone within a week!
  • Running water was voted as the most important service, followed closely by gas and electricity.
  • Men were found to have more of an urge to break away from society than women (34% of men vs. 28% of women).
  • An impressive 77% of people are confident of their abilities to change a gas canister.
  • Gas is a high priority for 64% of people.
  • 25% of people are confident of their ability to self-sustain, ranking a local shop as a low priority when living in isolation.
  • 25% of millennials often want to get away from society.

Do you think you could live in a remote area? What would you miss?

Before you decide to make the leap, check out things like how gas is supplied. We use Flogas for our gas supply, which is quite different to being on mains as you have a big tank in the garden. You have to keep an eye on the gas level and order a re-fill as required.

Before you make the move, also look into whether or not you would have Broadband. If you are too far from an exchange, you will need to look into other options, such as mobile and satellite. What you go for will depend on what your internet usage is like. Consider whether you need to use it for work, consider how many devices you will want to connect and consider if you plan to have Sky for example, will you want to download movies and so on, as all of that will have an impact on how much data you will need.


If you plan on moving to somewhere in the mountains, with a high chance of snow in the winter months, invest in some snow chains, and a good snow shovel and have a trial run with the chains. That way you can be sure you’ll still be able to reach the main roads if you need to.

Go onto your regular supermarket website and check your new postcode area to make sure they deliver to your area and consider what the access is like to your property.

Think about the reality of living in a remote area. You need to be confident you’d be happy there all year round.

Try to find out if the area gets regular power cuts and invest in some good torches that you can scatter around the house – they will come in handy trust me.

Check the area for your mobile network and make sure there is reasonable coverage – you don’t wan’t it to only work from one corner of the house when you are stood on one leg.

Most of all embrace those new neighbours, the fresh air and the views and enjoy!


  1. I don’t think we could live remotely. A lack of friends and neighbours close by would be a problem as would a lack of wifi. But each to his own !

  2. I fo
    All my relatives live in remote places
    So peaceful and great to escape all the hustle and bustle

  3. My mum has just moved from a remote farm to a village house. They decided to make the move as they are getting older and need to be nearer family

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