COVID-19 has triggered financial challenges for lots of people, if you are one of those people, you might be thinking about developing a side hustle to boost your income. Side hustles are just that, you aren’t going to be able to give up the day job with them, but, a side hustle, or multiple side hustles can absolutely help to ease the pressure. Here are a few ideas.
Affiliate Programmes

If you are someone who uses social media a lot and has a reasonable number of followers, or just someone with lots of family and friends you like recommending things to, affiliate programmes could help to boost your income. Tons of companies have affiliate partnerships these days, so choose the ones that are the most relevant to you.
I used to shy away from these, but after getting started with Amazon Affiliates and seeing it work well, I’ve delved further into this. eBay also have an affiliate programme, so if you are someone who uses eBay a lot it might be worth considering this as an approach. You can share affiliate links to the things you have bought on your social media accounts.
eBay Selling

Is it a while since you had a good clear out? Perhaps your children are getting older now and you’ve still got an attic full of baby stuff? Perhaps you want to downsize, or just have a de-clutter. Why not get selling on eBay as a way to make a bit more money?
Some people run entire businesses selling on eBay. You can check the interest in the products you have quickly by searching for the items on the sight. If you find the same type of items that other people are selling, chances are you can sell your item too.
Curious Cat

Lots of people make a bit of extra money online filling in surveys, but some are frustrating as your are forced to sign up to all sorts of ‘extra’ things. Curious Cat App, is a forward-thinking mobile app that allows users to easily earn cash through completing easy to do surveys, helping you put a little extra away to use towards your monthly outgoings.
It’s really easy to use, once you’ve completed the initial survey, you will be shown surveys that are suited to you. Each says how many points it gives you, points are added to your totals and when you have enough, you can cash out. You aren’t going to set the world on fire with your rewards. You need 100 points to cash out and some surveys only offer a few points – however, if you are someone who ‘wastes’ lots of time on your phone just scrolling you may as well!
With a recent study finding that global online content consumption doubled in 2020, Curious Cat App are encouraging scrollers to put their screen time to better use, using that time spent scrolling as you sit down with a cup of tea to do a few surveys, helping you make a little extra from the comfort of the sofa.
With many needing a helping hand after the adverse effects of Covid-19, Curious Cat App is the perfect side hustle, and they’re hoping to spread their money saving tips far and wide to help as many people as possible.
Freelance Work

Do you have a skill that you are not currently using? Perhaps you are really good at proof-reading, copy-writing, or social media management? There are lots of little bits of freelance work to be found online, which could help to top up your existing income.
If you have PA or secretarial experience for example, could you set yourself up as a Virtual Assistant (VA)? Have a think about what your skills are and how you could use them in freelance work.
Do you already have a side hustle? Do tell me more in a comment below.