Have you ever bought your child personalised clothing? Maybe something with their name, age or initial on? Read on to find out why I like personalised items for the children.

Easy to spot them in a crowd
With four children, one of the things I’ve done over the years, especially with the two youngest boys is to dress them the same when we are out. I do think they look cute in matching outfits, but it’s always been more of a safety thing to be honest.
When they were much smaller and we used to go to soft play quite a lot, I’d dress them the same as it was much easier to spot them in the crowds of children on the play equipment.
If we go out as a family now, especially if it is busy, I try to put them in matching outfits, or at least one matching item, so I can spot them. I always think if I lost them I could just say “he looks like this”… that’s my theory anyway and it’s something I’ve always run with.
If you are at a busy park for example, you are much more likely to spot your child if they have their initial on their t-shirt, rather than if they just blend into the background. You see lots of families in theme parks in America in matching t-shirts, I’m sure it helps them to find each other.

Supporting small business
Lots of small businesses make personalised children’s clothing. I’ve recently come across Cookie Dough Kids who make a range of cool and funky personalised kids clothes. They have t-shirts, pyjamas, tracksuits, dungarees, onesies and even baby sets, ideal for gifting a newborn.
Of course, when you support a small business, the owner does a little happy dance. Given the amount of parents these days running small businesses like these, it’s always good to do what we can to support each other.
I love these cool onesies from Cookie Dough Kids, they are perfect for after swimming lessons. Getting children changed after swimming lessons never seems straightforward, so having something comfy and easy to throw on like this is ideal. You can have an initial, or your child’s full name, and there are tons of colour and text options on these too!
These are also great for any children who have dance or gymnastics classes or competitions, as they are nice an baggy, so they can easily be popped over the top of an outfit.
They are also great for travelling. if we are travelling late at night we normally put the children in a onesie in the car so they are comfy and cosy, but can also be put straight into bed.

Looks cute
Personalised clothes can be super cute. Whether it’s their initial, or a funny quote of saying on a t-shirt, or all your children in versions of the same thing with their personal touch – personalised can be very cute, especially when children are little.
Great gifts
Personalised clothing is a great gift idea. Whether it’s birthday gifts you are looking for, or even co-ordinated wedding gifts for children involved, you can make things so much more fun by personalising them.
If you are looking for fun gifts you can even kit the whole family out. Start off by looking for gifts for him, or gifts for her, or searching things like matching family t-shirts.
Stops them mixing things up
If you’ve got children close in age, it can be easy for clothes to get mixed up, especially if they share a room. No matter how many systems you have and how much you try to encourage your children to keep things tidy, generally speaking the road to independence is a messy one. It’s a process, I tell myself as I pick things up off the floor, or put things back in the ‘correct’ draw.
Having some things personalised is a big help as it makes the boys a bit more independent. There is less confusion if something is their favourite colour, or has their age or initial on it.

It’s a fun keepsake
If like me, you make memory boxes for your children (ours these days have developed into massive tubs with lids) then personalised items make great keepsakes. I still have the little cardigans my grandmothers knitted for me when I was a baby and the dresses and sun hats my mum made for me when I was little.
I’m not a knitter, or a sewer but I do like creating personalised items for the children online, like these cute t-shirts from Printcious. The children enjoy wearing things that are a bit more personal too, or things that are funny.
At Printcious you can add any text or an image to a t-shirt in a number of different fonts, creating a personal item your child will enjoy wearing. It’s straightforward to create and can be lots of fun.
This is a collaborative article.
1 comment
The boys look adorable in those matching outfits. I never really thought about it this way but now I am actually convinced. You have shared a few great points here.