Tired Of Feeling Like You Have Nothing For Yourself? Take Up A Hobby

Are you tired of feeling like you have nothing for yourself? There comes a time in life where everything that you do includes someone else in some way, and it’s okay to want something that is just for you. For example, if you’ve got kids, oftentimes you have to share everything that you do with them, or they want to be involved in some way, shape or form. Or, if you have friends who do pretty much everything with you, or a partner, it can feel the same.

Of course, it’s nice doing things with the people that you love, but there are times where you just want something for yourself and it’s perfectly understandable. Everybody deserves to have at least one thing that is just theirs, and it’s time that you found yours if you don’t have one at the moment. In this article, I’m going to be taking a look at some of the hobbies that you can try if you feel as though you have nothing for yourself. Keep reading if you would like to see more about our suggestions!


The first hobby that we’re going to talk about is one for if you want to do something with your hands. If you like to be creative and you like to have something to do with your hands more often than not, then knitting or crochet could be a good choice for you. Not only do you get to keep your hands busy, but you also get to create blankets, clothes, or whatever else it is that you want to make. 

I’m told it can be quite tricky to get the hang of at first, but once you do manage you can knit or crochet without even thinking too much about it. You see it on TV all of the time, people watching TV and doing one of these, creating a lovely blanket or something as they indulge in their favourite shows. It might be a while until you get to this point, but it’s something that you can aim for!

To get started, you need the right kind of wool, and you need knitting needles or crochet needles. It’s best to look up a guide online of how to do this, rather than trying to wing it yourself because to be honest, you’re likely not going to pick it up without at least a little bit of help.


Have you ever given much thought to taking up yoga? Some people love it and find it super relaxing, and others find it more of a pain to try and twist in all of the ways that you need to. However, it’s really good for both your body and your mind, so if this is something that sounds good to you, it might be worth giving it a try. Don’t give up after one session just because it can be a little tough though, because we’ve seen people do this before, meaning they don’t ever really get the full benefits of it.

Once you’ve finished your yoga workout, you should feel relaxed, centred and back on track in yourself. You may also feel a little out of breath or as though you could take up a career as a contortionist, but that’s perfectly normal. You never know, if you keep at it, it may become something you look forward to.


Do you want something that helps you to keep active? If you do, then taking up a sport might be the best choice for you. Now, it all depends on what kind of sports are offered in your area, if there are teams, or if there are clubs that get together. That is, if you want to join a social sport, because there are options if you would rather do it alone. For example, swimming and golf are two great sports that you can complete on your own, and you can teach yourself without having to worry about getting involved with anyone else.

Before you start sports then, you need to decide what you want from them. Do you just want the exercise, or do you want the social side of things as well? It’s a good idea to determine your expectations so that you can narrow down your options and then search for what is available. Try to keep an open mind to new things, as a closed mind isn’t going to get you very far.


Photo by LAUREN GRAY on Unsplash

If you’ve never been much of a baker, that doesn’t mean that you can’t start, right? Trying a new hobby is all about doing new things, unless you know for a fact that this is something you would hate, why not give it a go? For a lot of people baking can be super relaxing, and it’s something they do because they like to bake the treats for everyone to eat. It’s a nice feeling when people are always eager to devour the things that you are making, so it’s a bit of a confidence boost when this happens. Also, the art of mastering something like this can feel like a massive accomplishment, because it is! 

Once you’ve mastered the basics, you can also start trying new things with it like combining new flavours to see what you can create and so on. It’s not for everyone, but you’re never going to know if you don’t give it a try.


Gaming is often demonised in the media for a whole range of reasons, but the hobby itself is absolutely fine. In fact, a lot of people have a lot of fun with this as there is such a broad range of games out there, and you don’t need to feel confined to one type. For example, you might decide that you want to start with games like mahjong and solitaire, but then try out video games, or other games that you have seen and wanted to get stuck into. It’s such a broad hobby and there is so much to explore, which makes it super fun.

There can also be a social side if you want there to be, especially with online gaming when it comes to video games. Again, you don’t have to do this if you would rather just play by yourself, but you have the option.


Finally, some people don’t really consider reading a hobby but we don’t know why because it surely is. It transports you to places that you would never have imagined, makes you fall in love with people who are not real, and allows you to live so many lives. Not everyone can get into it, but for those that can, something magical happens when they read, and everyone should experience it at least once if they can.

I hope that you have found this article helpful, and now see some of the hobbies that you can try out if you’re tired of feeling like you have nothing for yourself. It can be hard when there is always someone sharing every single thing that you do, even though it can be nice sometimes as well. It’s just lovely to be able to have something that you can do on your own and is just for you, and we promise you that there’s nothing wrong with wanting this no matter what anyone else says. Just remember that sometimes the first hobby you try out isn’t going to be the one for you, and that’s okay, keep looking.

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