Whether you’re hoping to get pregnant naturally or through fertility treatment, there are some important changes you can make to help improve your chances of conceiving and having a healthy child. It might be worth visiting your GP for a full check-up, including your sexual health. If you have any concerns or questions, you’ll be able to ask for some advice.
Lifestyle Choices and Pregnancy
You might need to make some adjustments to your diet if you want to have a baby. Being overweight when pregnant can cause a lot of issues, such as high blood pressure or diabetes. This, in turn, can lead to miscarriage. With that in mind, try and eat a healthy, balanced diet and avoid things like energy drinks. Your doctor will be able to tell you what foods you should stay away from and what vitamins you should try and supplement. You might also be prescribed with women’s prenatal vitamin to ensure that you and your baby are obtaining your daily needed nutrients.
Exercise is important too, even if it’s just a short walk each day.
If you currently smoke, it is crucial that you stop. You should also stay away from alcohol, both before and during pregnancy. Both smoking and drinking can limit your chances of pregnancy and harm your baby when you are pregnant. It’s also worth speaking to your doctor about any medication you are currently taking to determine whether or not it’s safe for pregnancy.
STIs and Pregnancy
While some STIs can result in infertility, many are treatable and, when dealt with early, probably won’t damage your ability to conceive a child. However, during pregnancy it’s crucial that you practise safe sex as it can be very dangerous for the baby if you become infected after conception.
Chemotherapy and Pregnancy
If you are a cancer survivor, you may be wondering if you can still conceive and if it’s safe, both for you and for the unborn child. Unfortunately, in many circumstances, cancer treatment can make it impossible for patients to conceive a biological child. In cases where patients are still fertile after cancer treatment, you’ll be pleased to know that becoming pregnant is perfectly safe but you might have to wait a while after your treatment is completely finished.
Again, your doctor will be able to advise you properly. If you haven’t actually started your cancer treatment yet, you might want to consider preserving your fertility before starting. Speak to as many professionals as you can so that you fully understand all potential risks.