With the first signs of Spring appearing all around us; daffodils, snow drops and even the occasional appearance of the sun, many of us are already looking forward to the hotter months of summer and of course, that well earned family holiday.

Whether you’re thinking of jetting off abroad with the kids or keeping it simple and having a holiday in the UK, you’re going to need bit of a cash boost before you click that “reserve and book” button.
Have you noticed that we end up spending money on the holiday before we even pack a suitcase? From new outfits for yourself and the kids, to new swimming costumes, pool inflatables, beach bags, towels, even a new suitcase! When it all starts to add up, it can look a little daunting…So, with that in mind here you’ll find the top 4 ways you could save a little money in the run up to your family holiday!
Switch your energy supplier
This one is super simple, and you can save money on your bills instantly! If you’re using oil then check out emo.ie for the latest domestic oil prices. If you’re unsure of the tariff your gas or electricity is on then speak to your supplier or simply switch for a cheaper deal. All those extra pennies could go towards a room or accommodation upgrade!
Say No
It’s not going to be easy, but in the run up to your holiday you’re going to need to say “no” to the children a few times. That could be anything from ordering something new, to those magazines that scream “buy me” when you nip into the shop for three things, little treats and days out.
It might seem like you’re being mean, and that a few pounds here and there won’t matter – but they really do add up! Explain to them that you want them to have the best holiday and that they’ll get plenty of treats then and they’re sure to understand. If you want to go out with the children, go somewhere where admission is free, or stick to trips to the park or long walks and picnics. The memories are just as good – sometimes they are better!

Stop spending
You deserve that new top as much as the next mum, but if you want to save for your holiday then all those extra little spends need to stop. I’d recommend a halt in your spending for two months, so no new makeup, no new clothes (unless the kids need something specific), no takeaways and maybe buy one bottle of wine instead of two. Difficult I know…but it’ll be worth it!
Go through your wardrobe

Most of us have so much stuff we don’t realise what we actually have! Summer hats, tops, shorts, t-shirts, sunglasses etc – they might be at the back of your wardrobe or hidden inside the suitcase from last year’s holiday! Check what you have and see if they still fit before you head out and buy duplicates. Also, there’s nothing wrong with hand-me-downs for the children.
Happy saving!
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