I’m a big sister.
I became a big sister when I was eight years old and I was very grateful to be given that title. I’d wanted to be a big sister for, erm, eight years. I’m only a big sister to one brother though, my big girl is a big sister to three brothers and she loves it.
They worship her. Their faces light up when they see her and they compete for her attention. They follow her, hang on her every word and they would do anything for her. Future girlfriends have a lot to live up to as she’s set the bar so high in terms of what she is teaching the boys about girls.
- Girls rock, plain and simple
- Girls can do anything boys can do
- Never underestimate a girl
- Girls can rock climb and do karate and still do ballet and like nail varnish
- Girls can be your best friend, your mini mummy and your bodyguard
- Girls are no pushover
- Girls are fun, funny and fabulous!
My big girl is confident, committed and ambitious but this is beautifully teamed with compassion, love and a huge does of humor. She always wanted to be a princess, like many little girls but she told me recently that “being a big sister is even better than being a princess” . The thing is, in the eyes of these three lucky boys, she’s always been a princess and probably always will be, she’s their princess and she’s my princess too.
The four of them are a team and she is their captain. She might roll her eyes when one of them trumps and they all find it hysterical. She might get cross when she finds them all in her room playing hide and seek or trying on her hairbands. She might feel a little outnumbered sometimes. She might get fed up telling them all to stop picking their nose, but honestly, she wouldn’t have it any other way.
So if you ever gave her the option of being a princess or just being a big sister – she’d choose big sister every time.
I love the idea of a team with a team captain. I wonder if it is all older kids? I’d say the same of my eldest who is a boy. #sharethejoy
Yes it might well be – so nice to hear of a boy also being like that 🙂
That is so gorgeous, I wish my boy felt that being a big brother was an important job too! Mich x ‪#SharetheJoy
Thanks Mich – is he not a fan of the role? xx
This is SO lovely! My eldest complains about being a big sister sometimes as having a 3 year old brother can be a little tricky but they have such a special bond and like your boys he follows her around everywhere! #sharethejoy
That’s lovely to hear! Yep 3 year old boys are tricky but also adorable lol