Caring for long hair

I have had long hair for most of my life.

I had long hair as a child and bar a moment of madness aged 10, when I had it cut in a bob, it got longer and longer.

With each pregnancy it grew and grew and after baby number four arrived it was down to the backs of my knees.

A little long perhaps?

Anyway, after heading for a trim the hairdresser got a little excited and took quite a bit off. At least now I can have it down and not get wrapped around everything and everyone I am in contact with, and like the hairdresser said “it’s still long by normal standards”.


My top tips for caring for long hair are:

  • brush it lots – especially before bed
  • use a tangle teaser brush or similar
  • make sure you brush from all angles as knots can be hidden
  • use a good shampoo and conditioner like DGJ OrganicsΒ and pick the correct products for your hair type
  • brush your hair through with shampoo on and rinse
  • brush your hair through with conditioner on and rinse
  • use argan oil once a week in the ends of your hair
  • towel dry hair, re-brush and towel dry again (saves drying time)
  • blow dry in stages to avoid overheating the hairdryer
  • use dry shampoo in-between washes to avoid doing all the above everyday!
  • avoid using hair bobbles as they leave a nasty ridge in your hair, use large clips instead to keep hair out of the way when you are busy
  • if you run, plait hair as simply putting it in a pony tail will cause hair to rub and get matted during exercise.
The Dad Network
Mums' Days


  1. Great advice! I had long hair as a child until I cut it off as a teen. It only got long again during my pregnancy but I cut it off because baby just kept pulling at it. My favourite is the towel dry then re-brush and towel dry again. It almost dries my hair completely! #bigfatlinky

  2. Great advice thank you! My hair is getting longer and longer since most of it fell out after I gave birth. I had the moments of madness when I was younger of chopping it off! But some people just suit longer hair and yours looks fab! #thelist

  3. Great post with helpful hints. The boys mum had long hair sure she’ll like this post will pass it on. Thanks for linking up with us on the #bigfatlinky hope to see you there this week

  4. Wow, you’re like Rapunzel! Your hair is really beautiful – would you advise the above if you’re also trying to grow your hair or repair damage? I have really thin hair so it takes quite a bit to get it to look anywhere near decent unless I blow dry the hell out of it! I’ve been trying to let it dry naturally as much as possible, but I think I need to invest in some clips like you mention just to avoid it getting broken when I need to put it up!

    Thanks for linking up to #TheList xx

    1. Thanks for your comment Hannah. I have actually just come across a new detangler brush … I think it is called The Ultimate Detangler and you can choose the right brush for your hair type, it reduces the amount that comes out and puts less stress on your hair. I would use a thickening shampoo and argan oil on your hair. I wouldn’t worry too much about the blow drying too be honest, I know everything you read says avoid it but I’ve been doing it for years, mainly because if i left it to dry on its own it would still wet by the end of the day! The clips are crucial though I think πŸ™‚

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