Christmas jumpers – are you in the club?

What’s your view on Christmas jumpers?

I don’t know whether Christmas jumpers have, like Halloween, just become more of a thing in the last few years, or whether I was just totally oblivious to it all in the past. It certainly seems to be a ‘thing’ now with Christmas jumpers in most clothing stores.

We’ve never really gone all out on the Christmas jumpers here, but that has only been because the bulk of the Christmas jumpers I have seen in the past have been knitted. I’m not a massive fan of knitwear, especially for the children.

Christmas jumpers

They often find knitwear itchy or uncomfortable to wear, it bobbles easily and catches on things, especially when out and about. This means it tends to end up looking old before it’s time.

From my point of view knitwear is not that easy to wash and dry, I can’t just chuck it in the tumble dryer like everything else, and have it ready to wear again quickly.

Christmas sweatshirts? Now those, I’m all over – the little boys LOVE these reindeer sweatshirts from not for ponies.

kids Christmas jumpers

These wash and wear so well and they tumble dry so you don’t even have to show them the iron – whoopee, I need more of these in my life! They are lovely quality and so soft, so even sensitive skin is happy wearing these.

No complaints of itchy or uncomfortable – just cries of “when can we wear them again?”.

You can get a red bear version of these Christmas jumpers, and they do smaller tots versions and even stock them for the grown ups!

Christmas Jumpers

I’m hoping not for ponies start doing more versions of these with more designs and colours, as well as other designs for the rest of the year. These have been a great addition to the boys’ wardrobes.

What are your thoughts on Christmas jumpers? Do you get involved? Do you prefer knitwear or sweatshirt fabric like these, and where have you bought your Christmas jumpers from? We’d love to know if it’s a tradition of yours.

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