Cleaning Hacks For A Spotless Home This Winter

Spring cleaning the home is made a huge deal of every year, but what about winter cleaning? Giving your home a big clean and overhaul for the winter season is equally just as important as the spring clean – it’s perhaps just not given as much talk.

cleaning your home appliances

If you think about it, the weather is wetter and colder, with us bringing so much more dirt into our homes. Especially during the seasons where we’ll get snow and rock salt all over our shoes.

Then there are the cosy nights by the fire, nights in entertaining guests, cooking bigger, heartier meals, etc. Our lives in the home during the winter season is much different than that of the spring and tends to involve being indoors a lot more.

You don’t have to change too much up. It’s a good idea to maintain your regular cleaning schedule, but keep the following winter cleaning tips in mind.

1. Attack the task of window cleaning

Cleaning the exterior and interior windows around the house is a task everyone avoids doing unless absolutely necessary. Well, we’re sorry to say that in winter, it does become crucial. Windows love being cleaned on cloudy and cool days to avoid being streamy or streaky. I personally HATE cleaning the windows, although the oven is my least favourite job.

If you clean your windows in the winter, they’ll tend to dry streak free, due to the water taking longer to dry. When we wash our windows in the summer, it causes rapid evaporation, a major reason behind streaky windows.

For those wondering about cleaning curtains, it’s best to leave this until the summer. Curtains tend to be layered, meaning they are made up of heavier materials which take a long time to dry in winter. If you do wish to give them a spruce up, go over them with a hoover until warmer times. The hoover brush attachment will help get into the fibres, getting rid of some of the dirt.

2. Give your bathroom a deep clean

It’s more enjoyable to indulge in long hot baths during the winter, so work on making your bathroom a relaxing place. Start by completely deep cleaning and bleaching the bath and shower until it’s sparkling clean. Use a grout pen and get into the gaps of the tiles, and give shower curtains or glass their best clean yet.

If you find that even after the ultimate deep clean, you still don’t feel like your bath is inviting enough, perhaps look at updating this for the next season. You can get some lovely deep corner baths, freestanding or whirlpool baths over at Bathdisc, and you’ll be amazed how a shiny new bath can make such a difference.

There’s nothing more enjoyable than slipping into a warm bubbling bath that is sparkling clean when it’s freezing cold outside. You can pop on your favourite playlist, bring a glass of wine, and shut off from the world for half an hour! Well, or as long as you can manage without little visitors of course!

3. Don’t forget about the dishwasher

Even with regular use, dishwashers can get a bit smelly and forgotten about. We rely on them to keep our crockery and cutlery clean on a daily basis, but how often do we stop and think about their own cleanliness?

Don’t worry, we all presume that they clean themselves! Just add a cup of white vinegar and a generous teaspoon of baking soda to an empty wash. The chrome will go back to sparkling again and will help keep your glasses clean in future washes too.

4. Give your bed a huge clean

Although you may not be able to put your bed sheets outside just yet to dry, there’s no reason to not give your bed a good clean. As the days get colder, we tend to spend more time in bed than we do in the summer!

Make the bedrooms in your home become more inviting places by keeping on top of washing and drying new sheets and bed covers. Then, vacuum all around the edges of the bed and underneath if possible. Our under bed areas tend to get neglected, but imagine how much dust will settle there.

Also, give the mattress a vacuum too. Hoover both sides and give it a flip over at the same time. Your bed will feel like a brand new.

5. Give your cupboards a de-clutter

Try to give your cupboards a big clear out before the Christmas madness, or even just post-new year if you’re a little too busy. This time of year is a great time to go through your bathroom cupboards and throw out any old or empty perfumes, makeup, aftershaves or anything else you don’t use any more.

Look at use by dates. You’ll be surprised at how of your skincare products may have gone out of date, which will need throwing out. You’ll be amazing at how many things you don’t need and that were due to be cleaned out, leaving you with lots more space! You may even discover things you didn’t know you had.

As soon as the darker nights hit and the cold weather sweeps in, set a weekend aside where you completely blast through the winter house cleaning. I promise you’ll not regret it.

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