Easy Car Care Resolutions for 2023

2023 is just around the corner and New Year Resolutions are the most trending thing during these months. Every year we make resolutions to get a fitter body, to save up more, to switch to a better job, to travel a new destination etc. but have you ever thought of including a car care resolution to your checklist. The obvious answer for majority people is a big fat No! Yes, that is the reality. Car care is not something that we as drivers are proactive about rather it’s more like a necessity that needs to be tended to whenever it can’t be avoided any further.

We are here to help you make an easy checklist for your car maintenance that can be followed religiously. These tips will help you maintain a healthy and effective drive all year round. It’s not all about maintenance though – also take the time to carry out a car finance check just to check there is no outstanding finance on your car.

car seat safety

Change oil every 5,000 miles:

Even though our car manual will tell us that we need to change our oil every 5,000 miles but we will not do so until the car’s engine starts to pose a problem. The longer an oil change is put off, the more problems the engine will start to show. The oil is what keeps the engine running smoothly. A delayed oil change will cause the engine to become too hot, which can cause it to run less efficiently.

Keeping a check on your tyre pressure:

Tyres are the contact point between your car’s engine and the road. Keeping them properly inflated is what is going to keep them from wearing out too quickly. Under inflated tyres can cause poor handling, fuel inefficiency and a higher risk of tyre failure. While, overinflated tyres will cause braking issues, create uneven tyre wear out and a compromised handling. Your tyre manual tells you the optimal pressure that you need to keep. Buy a digital pressure gauge and every now and then use it check your tyre pressure.

Sticking to regular car servicing and MOT:

Changing the car oil and keeping your tyres properly inflated are still things that people will follow through with but getting your car regularly serviced along with an annual MOT Test is something that requires spending some extra pounds. In today’s economy it feels tough on the pocket but think of it like a long-term investment. You do spend some money in the short –term on regular car servicing but when you go for an annual MOT test you pass it in one go because you already have invested in the up keep of your car throughout the year so now you are free of all worries of failing the MOT test and then getting an extensive work on engine done just to be able to get your car in a position to pass the MOT test. If your MOT is due then we recommend that you book your MOT at Elite MOT Garage in London and get the best service and rates.

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Following the above resolutions will help you keep your car in a spick and span condition all year round and will keep you worry-free and your car roadworthy. So, this year make sure to add a small car care section to your New Year’s Resolutions and trust us you will not regret it.


  1. Some great tips here, my car is old and really needs replacing but can’t afford it yet so need to look after it to try and make it last as long as possible

  2. Itall sounds like great advice, copy it, and put it with your MOT certificate and its always handy to have a reminder.

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