Five minute fun: day six

At home I am always trying to make the regular things in life or normal conversations into learning opportunities and fun activities.

5 minute fun really fits in with my approach to parenting so I’ve decided to take their 7 day challenge with the children and will be sharing the activities we try.

So – what is 5 Minute Fun?

5 Minute Fun is made up of free and exciting educational activities and ideas for you to try out together.

Whether you’re at home, on the school run or making your way around the supermarket, the goal is for you and your children to enjoy 5 minutes of fun together while developing your little one’s knowledge and skills in line with the Early Years Curriculum.

Each morning, you receive one 5 Minute Fun activity via email. It’s free, and each week’s activities will be from theme of different learning area.

Each activity takes around 5 minutes to do and doesn’t require anything extra, so can be done on the move, out and about or in the comfort of your home. They are also tailored to your child’s age – they have activities suitable for children of 2, 3, 4 and 5 years of age!

Day six

For our day six challenge, we took on an activity from the “maths” section of the activities.

“Take the size challenge! Can your little one point to 5 things that are bigger, smaller, taller and shorter than you are?”

We initially discussed what bigger and smaller meant. Having recently turned three, one of the children thinks that three is of course IT. I mean being three is everything right? When you are three you are the biggest of big aren’t you and no one is BIGGER.

So after a heated debate let’s call it, here’s what the little boys decided on:

  1. They talked about who was tallest and shortest of all the children

My Everything

2) They talked about the cows being BIGGER than them but then also which cows were BIGGEST


3) They talked about the bugs in the garden being SMALLER than them


4) They talked about how The Enormous Crocodile that we found on our walk last Friday was MUCH BIGGER than them


This was a great exercise and one that can literally be used anywhere or any time, in a similar way to asking the colour of things. I’m going to try and use this a lot more.

To follow all the fun check out the #5MinuteFun on social media.

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