Healthy Skincare Routine for Every Mum

Most mums are busy with countless daily tasks and are often too tired to indulge in beauty regimens. Following a daily beauty routine can pose a challenge when there is too little time to do anything but sleep at the end of the day. A skincare routine is necessary to provide the skin with the nutrients it needs to stay healthy.

If you have a good skincare routine, you protect your skin from developing issues caused by pollution and other toxic elements that can harm your skin. However, it does not necessarily mean you spend much time pampering yourself. The process does not have to be as complicated as you imagine. You should maintain a regular routine and ensure that you cleanse and moisturise your skin. In addition, you should use only quality skincare products that help reduce lines, improve skin texture, and restore elasticity for a more youthful appearance like those from

Below is a healthy skincare routine for busy mums with hardly enough time on their hands.

Cleanse and moisturise daily

Cleansing is a fundamental step in any skincare routine. As your skin is constantly exposed to the elements, it can be easy to develop skin issues, from clogged pores to breakouts. This means it is essential to cleanse your face and remove dust, dirt, and remnants of makeup. Choose a skin cleanser that is suitable for your skin type and gentle on your skin. Regular soap is not recommended as it may contain harsh ingredients that irritate your skin and cause dryness.

You may also consult a specialist if your skin is extra sensitive so they can recommend the best cleanser for your skin’s needs. It is also vital to apply moisturiser and keep your skin hydrated. After cleansing, some of your skin’s natural moisture can be depleted, and a moisturiser can help prevent the skin from drying.

Apply sunscreen

While sunlight offers health benefits, it can also cause undue damage to your skin and lead to premature ageing if you are not careful. The sun’s harmful U.V. rays can significantly affect your skin’s condition and cause various skin problems, including skin cancer. Your best protection is always to wear sunscreen when outdoors and under the sun. It would also help to cover other exposed areas of your body, like your arms and legs, with protective clothing. Better still to find shaded areas outdoors to avoid direct exposure to the sun.

Keep Your Skin Firm 

Sagging skin and wrinkles are natural, but that doesn’t mean you need to accept it! If you want to maintain a healthy and youthful appearance, vegan collagen and similar products are ideal for giving your skin the firm and full look you want. 

These products are ideal supplements when combined with the rest of your skincare routine. They can rejuvenate your skin by providing crucial antioxidants among a host of other benefits, especially during the winter when your skin is more prone to cold weather and dryness. 

The best part is that you don’t even need to go under the knife. Instead, a pill or two a day (in the morning and before bed) can yield fantastic results.

Avoid too much makeup

You can have natural, healthy skin and still wear make-up. You can of course apply cosmetics to enhance your natural beauty. You can use heavier makeup at night for occasions or events you are attending. If not, apply sparingly and allow your skin to breathe. Also, ensure that your makeup is completely removed before sleeping.

Being a mum isn’t easy, but you can always find time to give your skin some tender loving care.

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