Do you ever think about your subject choices at school and think how differently you would do things knowing what you know now. For example, if you were to choose A-levels now would they be the same as what you originally picked? Did you even choose them yourself? Perhaps you were heavily influenced by a parent or teacher even?

If I was to choose now only one of mine would remain the same. I was heavily influenced by one of my parents and a teacher at school at the time.
Choosing A-level subjects is a big decision for a young person and not one you should take lightly. The choices they make now can influence what they are able to study at university and consequently, what career path they follow. Brampton College have put together the following information to help your children with the decision.
Enjoyment and possible success

Think about which subjects you enjoy the most and which ones you are best at; do not choose a subject because your friends have chosen it, you love the teacher, or your parents want you to follow in their footsteps. This is undoubtedly a scary time for you, but don’t be afraid to spread your wings and step outside of your comfort zone. You might even want to think about heading to a different Sixth Form or college to the school you currently attend.
Avoid the easy route
Bear in mind that a-levels are a big jump from GCSEs so what you find easy now might not seem so easy to you in a few months. With this in mind, don’t try and take the “easy” route when choosing your subjects because it might not play out that way. What’s more, there are plenty of other subjects available to you at A-level that aren’t available at GCSE, such as psychology, sociology and politics, so consider more than what you’re used to.

Do your research
Be sure to do your research and understand what the subjects involve. Ask your teachers lots of questions and maybe speak to other people who have been through the same experience, such an older sibling. Certain university courses will look for specific a-levels so it’s worth looking at a few different unis and their course requirements to give you an idea. Some unis will also list subjects that they don’t accept.
For the parents

As parents we can support and advise and help our children to be as best informed as possible BUT as hard as it can be we need to pressure as little as possible and try not to influence their decision-making process.
1 comment
Wish my mum had this to look at when helping me choose my a-levels