Priorities changed? How to sell up quickly

It’s amazing how much changes when you have children. Just about everything in your world gets flipped on its head and gets seen from a different angle, not least where to live.

Some of our friends have recently discovered this. They were adamant they wanted to stay in the bustle of it all, but the day after their little girl was born that all changed; they packed up their apartment and fled to the countryside.

Like we said, it is amazing how much changes, but moving house isn’t always that easy.

They were lucky they were in a rented apartment with a rolling contract, but what if you own your place and want to secure a quick sale in order to cater for your new parental perspective? Well, before you put up a for sale sign outside your property, there are a few things to consider first.

moving out of the city

Money Or Speed

A lot of the time, people are adamant about getting top dollar, no matter how long that process takes.

Of course, the longer it takes the more it will eat into your profits, especially if you have fled a city and are renting somewhere while you wait for a buyer to sign on the dotted line and hand over the money. That’s why a lot of people are using cash buy companies like UKHomeBuyers; they would prefer to get an instant quote than wait and wait and wait, especially with a small family to think about.

It could be well worth considering too, especially if you are selling a place in London. Even if you get 80% of the market value, that money will go a long way in the country.

moving to the countryside

Awesome At Auction

It is a bit of a wildcard option, but selling at auction could see you get a tidy sum and a quick sale. On the plus side, you can set a reserve price that you are happy with and, if a buyer does meet that, an exchange has to happen within 28 days.

That’s pretty fast. Of course, if it doesn’t sell, then you have just lost a little bit of time and a little bit of money too. As a little tip, the houses that do well at auction are those in a sought after area, those with quirks and those with something really unique to offer. This is because people either want that something special, or they want to grab a bargain.

moving to the country

Quick And Conventional

We get going down this route, we really do. It makes a lot of sense, but with a small family to juggle too, just be prepared to get stuck into a fair amount of work. What do we mean by this? Well, you’ll be competing in a competitive market to get the price you want. That means you may need to read our top tips on how to sell your property.

It is things like improving the curb appeal of your home so that first impressions are as good as possible. Making upgrades, and knowing which will add to the value, which is a delicate act to perform.

On the plus side, if you are already renting somewhere else because you did what our friends did and just ran, you should be able to depersonalise your home quite easily, and a home that is a blank canvas attracts far more offers than those that don’t.

Just remember, having a new family is a tough adjustment and selling a house is a stressful gig, so really think about your priorities here and choose whatever is right for you. There are no right or wrong answers; just personal preference.

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