Periods and water retention: how to STILL lose weight with Kelin Law

If you are a regular reader of the blog you might remember me introducing you to Kelin Law.

I’ve followed Kelin’s journey for several years. You might describe Kelin as a mind & body coach with a scientific twist. She began as a research scientist and, as an invited member of the Royal Society of Biology, she holds a first-class biological honours degree. She is also a certified practitioner of NLP (psychotherapy), and a qualified level 3 personal trainer.

Her focus on neuroscience and the mind are crucial to her success in helping athletes in competition, and with others in body transformation and nutritional freedom.

She underwent her own mind & body transformation that saw her span 6 different dress sizes as she battled with losing her mum, breaking her back, fighting with eating disorders and wrestling with PCOS. Over the course of her journey she tried every diet and training program under the sun, until she eventually found the answer in mastering her mind.

take charge of your periods

Kelin shares so many tips on her Instagram accounts and You Tube Channel that can help you master both your mind and body. There’s no bullsh!t quick fixes, just helpful advice to ensure you make changes that will last a lifetime, not five minutes.

I love her approach, she makes sense and she’s REAL!

Here’s what she says about weight and periods, give it a go if this is a problem for you.

Weight loss and periods

“Periods suck full stop… but it’s made even worse by the fact we can also gain so much weight through water retention! I have been repeatedly asked how this can be avoided and gotten rid of and so I decided to put science to the test on myself for 2 periods and the results were amazing!!!!!

I had no swollen painful boobs, no swollen tummy or watery bloated look at all. No baggy clothes needed and no one would have known! It is all related to salt and water retention.

In this video I explain 8 tips for doing this and explain what I did to get this result. 8 tips to help you prevent weight gain and lose water weight during your period! Let me know if you have any other topics you would like me to cover in future videos or if you have any questions ? Love Kelin ?”

Give it a try and let Kelin know how you got on!

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