If you’re a health-conscious parent, you probably still want to get some workouts done while watching your child. Picking the right time can get challenging, especially when trying to juggle other commitments. If only there was a way to do both simultaneously.
Introducing: walking or jogging with your child
Walking/jogging with your child in a stroller is a great solution. Not only does it let you get some cardio workout, but you also get to introduce your child to nature. You and your child can also get your daily dose of vitamin D.
Walking and Jogging Strollers: There’s a difference
A stroller meant for walking is not the right choice for jogging and vice versa. Here are the most important things to consider when shopping for a stroller:

1. Wheel size
Ever wondered why some strollers have small, plastic wheels while others have chunky pneumatic wheels? Here’s why: one’s for casual walking and the other is for jogging. Plastic wheels are acceptable for slow speeds – in other words, walking. The slowness means the wheels are not taking a lot of shock.
For jogging, small wheels are dangerous and uncomfortable for your child. They’re dangerous because they don’t take bumps well, and they’re uncomfortable because they pass on the shock directly to the passenger. Bigger wheels provide better stability and higher shock absorption.
2. Front-locking wheels
You’re probably thinking, “Why would I want to lock the wheels?” Front-locking means the front wheel is locked and won’t swivel. Locked wheels ensure the stroller won’t swing away from you when taking a turn.
If you’re walking, then you want the stroller to turn quickly. Unlocking the front wheel returns its ability to swivel, which in turn assists in turning the stroller safely.
3. Adjustable Handle Height
Unless you managed to find a partner with the same height as you, chances are you’re shorter or taller than them. Imagine jogging around with a double jogging stroller while struggling to reach the handle. That’s exhausting.
Good strollers allow you to adjust the handle height. Not only do you make sure that you’re keeping proper posture, but the adjustments also give you and your partner the freedom to customise the stroller to your needs.
4. Hand Brake
If you live in a hilly area, consider getting a stroller with a hand brake. Going downhill increases the risk of the stroller gaining too much speed, which can cause injury. Hand brakes ensure that the speed is uniform.
If you’re walking around instead of jogging, hand brakes are still a good idea. They can help you stop the stroller in a quick pinch.

5. Canopy type and size
To make sure your child stays comfortable in the stroller, examine how the stroller’s canopy operates. Is it fixed in place, or does it move around? Does it open in layers, or does it fold? How far does it reach?
Ideally, you want the canopy to keep the sun away from your child. The last thing you need is a sunburnt, crying baby. Keep in mind that canopies can’t stop heavy rains or snow from getting in the stroller.
Final thoughts
The guidelines above are just the primary considerations when picking a stroller. They should be enough to get you started while still allowing you to consider other options. As long as you know what you need it for, then everything else will fall into place.
Prime Valley aims to provide its investors with a healthy environment by delivering jogging and walking tracks, well-facilitated hospitals, medical institutions, and colleges. Its infrastructure is designed to promote an ecofriendly atmosphere
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